Sunday, June 21, 2020

Motivation For Today - Week 2 Posts Roundup

Motivation For Today - Week 2 - Numbers 4 - 6

You Get What You Believe You Deserve

You are such a good person, always trying the best you can to live a moral and righteous life. Never intentionally hurting anyone and making great efforts to be your neighbours keeper.

And yet, many a time, you wonder why the good things of life you feel you deserve do not come your way.

You see others that you think you are better off than hitting it well on life but you, things don't go the same way for you and you wonder why?

Well the truth of the matter is - you are not going to get anything out of life that you don't really believe you deserve.

Now, this belief is not the one that you mouth - it is the one that you FERVENTLY hold and daily ruminate in it.

It is not enough in life to live morally and ethically. You must also be mentally straight.

You must have a positive self-image in order to receive the blessings of life!

I am often asked the question, "Why Do The Righteous Suffer?" In other words, "Why do seemingly good people suffer?"

You can be morally and ethically straight and correct, but if you do not know how to positively relate to your emotions and the processes of your mind, you will suffer.

So, it isn't enough just to be a good person. You must have a proper self-identity. You must fervently believe that you deserve God's goodness.

So "Why do good people suffer?" Because they don't believe that they deserve God's goodness.

They ask for God's goodness in their prayers, but down deep, they don't believe they deserve it.

If you don't believe you deserve God's goodness, what do you believe then?

At the subconscious level are you believing you deserve the opposite of good?

Maybe that is why you aren't getting the good you desire.

Here's the Youtube Presentation

A Fearful Mind Will Always Draw Suffering

As we all know, corona virus is on a rampage all over the World right now and many a man has become afraid of going out to public places and crowded places.
That is the sensible thing to do right?
Yea right

However, 2 days ago I met a man - in his 70s who said he was not afraid of the virus because he knows that God will not allow him to be infected since he is a child of God.

So I asked him, if he would willingly allow himself to be put in close contact with a person who is confirmed corona virus patient and he replied that he would do no such thing because he does not want to tempt God.
I put it to him that he was exhibiting fear of contracting the virus.

Those of us who are Christians and very conversant with the story of Job would remember that God was very proud of Job because he was a man after His very Own Heart and thus God allowed satan to tempt Job.

And thus in one fell swoop - just in one day, all that Job laboured for all his life went with the flaming fire - Job's children were taken away, his health was taken away, and his wealth was taken away.

Why did all these things happen to Job, a righteous man?

I ask you, was Job really righteous (meaning right thinking) or was he simply religious?

When Job got the news of the vanishing of his earthly possessions he declared, "The thing I greatly feared has come upon me." (Job 3:25) And that is exactly what got Job - "The thing he feared."

Just like some of you, you don't know why you feel so bad. But you go around afraid of what might happen; filled with worry and anxieties, you go around with your feelings dragging in the dirt.

So, like I said last time, it isn't enough to be moral and ethical
You must have the correct self-awareness. You must know yourself and learn how to control your thoughts and feelings. This is what I mean by 'righteous'. You must be mentally straight! You have to learn how to lift up your feelings - how to lift up your emotions. Learn to control your own thoughts and feelings and beliefs about yourself.

You have to learn to go inside of yourself and develop a positive self-image and positive self-esteem.

Here's the presentation on Youtube

Nothing Can Come To You Unless You Draw It

Many times, things happen to good religious people and people who think they are righteous, and they don't understand why.

They say, "Now why would this person do me out of this?

Why do these 'things' happen to me?"

If somebody is always doing you out of something, watch out. It means that somewhere in your subconscious psychology, there is some kind of negative belief.

It could be the belief that you are not deserving. Nothing can come to you unless you believe you deserve it, and nothing can go from you unless you believe you don't deserve it.

You are not going to get anything that you don't really believe you deserve

And if you do appear to get something that you really don't think you deserve - you think it's too good for you - don't worry, it will slip away.

Somebody else will come along and take it off your hands.

So it is very important that you think you deserve the best.

You Are A Child Of God
Your belief about yourself should be based upon your knowledge of who and what you are in God, and who and what God is in you.

You deserve the best because you are a child of God.

Watch the presentation on Youtube

The three in one presentation on Youtube

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Nothing Can Come To You Unless You Draw It

Nothing Can Come To You Unless You Draw It

Many times, things happen to good religious people and people who think they are righteous, and they don't understand why.

They say, "Now why would this person do me out of this?

Why do these 'things' happen to me?"

If somebody is always doing you out of something, watch out. It means that somewhere in your subconscious psychology, there is some kind of negative belief.

It could be the belief that you are not deserving. Nothing can come to you unless you believe you deserve it, and nothing can go from you unless you believe you don't deserve it.

You are not going to get anything that you don't really believe you deserve

And if you do appear to get something that you really don't think you deserve - you think it's too good for you - don't worry, it will slip away.

Somebody else will come along and take it off your hands.

So it is very important that you think you deserve the best.

You Are A Child Of God
Your belief about yourself should be based upon your knowledge of who and what you are in God, and who and what God is in you.

You deserve the best because you are a child of God.

Here's the presentation o Youtube

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

A Fearful Mind Will Always Draw Suffering

A Fearful Mind Will Always Draw Suffering

As we all know, corona virus is on a rampage all over the World right now and many a man has become afraid of going out to public places and crowded places.
That is the sensible thing to do right?
Yea right

However, 2 days ago I met a man - in his 70s who said he was not afraid of the virus because he knows that God will not allow him to be infected since he is a child of God.

So I asked him, if he would willingly allow himself to be put in close contact with a person who is confirmed corona virus patient and he replied that he would do no such thing because he does not want to tempt God.
I put it to him that he was exhibiting fear of contracting the virus.

Those of us who are Christians and very conversant with the story of Job would remember that God was very proud of Job because he was a man after His very Own Heart and thus God allowed satan to tempt Job.

And thus in one fell swoop - just in one day, all that Job laboured for all his life went with the flaming fire - Job's children were taken away, his health was taken away, and his wealth was taken away.

Why did all these things happen to Job, a righteous man?

I ask you, was Job really righteous (meaning right thinking) or was he simply religious?

When Job got the news of the vanishing of his earthly possessions he declared, "The thing I greatly feared has come upon me." (Job 3:25) And that is exactly what got Job - "The thing he feared."

Just like some of you, you don't know why you feel so bad. But you go around afraid of what might happen; filled with worry and anxieties, you go around with your feelings dragging in the dirt.

So, like I said last time, it isn't enough to be moral and ethical

You must have the correct self-awareness. 
You must know yourself and learn how to control your thoughts and feelings. 

This is what I mean by 'righteous'. You must be mentally straight! You have to learn how to lift up your feelings - how to lift up your emotions. 

Learn to control your own thoughts and feelings and beliefs about yourself.

You have to learn to go inside of yourself and develop a positive self-image and positive self-esteem.

Monday, June 15, 2020

You Get What You Believe You Deserve

\You Get What You Believe You Deserve

You are such a good person, always trying the best you can to live a moral and righteous life. Never intentionally hurting anyone and making great efforts to be your neighbours keeper.

And yet, many a time, you wonder why the good things of life you feel you deserve do not come your way.

You see others that you think you are better off than hitting it well on life but you, things don't go the same way for you and you wonder why?

Well the truth of the matter is - you are not going to get anything out of life that you don't really believe you deserve.

Now, this belief is not the one that you mouth - it is the one that you FERVENTLY hold and daily ruminate in it.

It is not enough in life to live morally and ethically. You must also be mentally straight.

You must have a positive self-image in order to receive the blessings of life!

I am often asked the question, "Why Do The Righteous Suffer?" In other words, "Why do seemingly good people suffer?"

You can be morally and ethically straight and correct, but if you do not know how to positively relate to your emotions and the processes of your mind, you will suffer.

So, it isn't enough just to be a good person. You must have a proper self-identity. You must fervently believe that you deserve God's goodness.

So "Why do good people suffer?" Because they don't believe that they deserve God's goodness.

They ask for God's goodness in their prayers, but down deep, they don't believe they deserve it.

If you don't believe you deserve God's goodness, what do you believe then?

At the subconscious level are you believing you deserve the opposite of good?

Maybe that is why you aren't getting the good you desire

Watch the presentation on Youtube

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Motivation For Today - Week 1 - Numbers 1 - 3

Get Your 'BUT' Out Of The Way

I have come across quite a number of persons who in conversation say to me -
Doctor, I really want to be an achiever BUT
Doctor, I want to have the best things of life BUT
Doctor, I would really want to do something unique BUT

And at all those times, I always say back to them

You could be what you want to be

You could do what you want to do

You could have what you want to have

if only you would just get your 'BUT' out of the way

I want you to do something
Start today to practice what I call the 'BUT MINDFULNESS' - now that simply means for you to take note of the number of times you use the word BUT in your sentences about the things you want to be or do or have or the place you want to go, you will discover that the only thing standing between you and all those things is BUT and it's your own BIG BUT


because the Universe has given you everything you need or want in large quantities and it is only your BUT that is keeping you from accessing them.

Between You And The Word Of God

And the Scripture says:

Set a watch oh Lord before my mouth

And keep the door of my lips

The word is very important

What you say about yourself is the word of God to you

If you say you are poor, that is your word and that  becomes the word of God to you

that becomes the word that determines your experience
that becomes the word that determines your expression

If you say you cannot get anywhere
If you say you cannot succeed

if you say you cannot prosper

If you say you were born unlucky
If you say you cannot hold down any money
If you say nothing works for you
If you say that you are born to lose
then those are your words and they also become the word of God to you

If you say you are rich, that is your word and that becomes the word of God to you and that becomes the word that determines both your experience and your expression.

And you're never going get any further in life than the word of God meaning your word about yourself

Your Word Is Creative

And in the Scripture it is written
"My word that goes forth out of my mouth shall not return to me void but it shall accomplish that which I please and prosper the thing unto where I sent it" -  that is God's Word but this is the truth also about the word of every man.

Because every word we utter goes into the Universe and as seeds sown by a farmer germinate and bear fruits in their due season for the farmer, those words go out there to accomplish that which they were sent to do and thus never come back to us void

There is creative power in your every word

The Infinite has given it to you to create your own world.

We are made in the image and likeness of God and if He created the Heavens and the Earth and all that there are in them by His Words - then you have the power to create your own world by your own words - He has given you that power already.

Watch the presentation on Youtube

Earn free bitcoin

Friday, June 12, 2020

Your Word Is Creative

Your Word Is Creative

And in the Scripture, it is written
"My word that goes forth out of my mouth shall not return to me void but it shall accomplish that which I please and prosper the thing unto where I sent it" -  that is God's Word but this is the truth also about the word of every man.

Because every word we utter goes into the Universe and as seeds sown by a farmer germinate and bear fruits in their due season for the farmer, those words go out there to accomplish that which they were sent to do and thus never come back to us void

There is creative power in your every word

The Infinite has given it to you to create your own world.

We are made in the image and likeness of God and if He created the Heavens and the Earth and all that there are in them by His Words - then you have the power to create your own world by your own words - He has given you that power already.

Watch the presentation on Youtube

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Between You And The Word Of God

"Don't Give Up - You Have God's Word!" - 2 Chron. 15:7 ...

Between You And The Word Of God

And the Scripture says:

Set a watch oh Lord before my mouth

And keep the door of my lips

The word is very important

What you say about yourself is the word of God to you

If you say you are poor, that is your word and that  becomes the word of God to you
that becomes the word that determines your experience
that becomes the word that determines your expression

If you say you cannot get anywhere
If you say you cannot succeed

if you say you cannot prosper
If you say you were born unlucky
If you say you cannot hold down any money
If you say nothing works for you
If you say that you are born to lose
then those are your words and they also become the word of God to you

If you say you are rich, that is your word and that becomes the word of God to you and that becomes the word that determines both your experience and your expression.

And you're never going get any further in life than the word of God - meaning your word about yourself

Monday, June 8, 2020

Get Your 'BUT' Out Of The Way

I have come across quite a number of persons who in conversation say to me -

Doctor, I really want to be an achiever BUT
Doctor, I want to have the best things of life BUT
Doctor, I would really want to do something unique BUT

And at all those times, I always say back to them

You could be what you want to be
You could do what you want to do
You could have what you want to have

if only you would just get your 'BUT' out of the way

I want you to do something
Start today to practice what I call the 'BUT MINDFULNESS' - now that simply means for you to take note of the number of times you use the word BUT in your sentences about the things you want to be or do or have or the place you want to go, you will discover that the only thing standing between you and all those things is BUT and it's your own BIG BUT

because the Universe has given you everything you need or want in large quantities and it is only your BUT that is keeping you from accessing them.