Thursday, March 25, 2021

What Does 'Doing' Mean To You?


What Does 'Doing' Mean To You?


This may seem like a very simple question and it may actually be but the answer you give may even surprise you.

It is often said that a man who knows how to do will always have a job - right?

Which therefore suggests that there is a wide gulf between knowing and doing

It is in the doing of things that we experience the vicissitudes of life and each storm we overcome teaches us some key ingredients for life and living.

These include:

1. Always Have a Plan A, B, C and D. You never know which one will work.

People have lost their tools and implements of work at one fell swoop but because they had adjunct tools, they did not feel the loss as much.

People have lost their jobs without notice - just went to work and were given a letter of redundancy - but because they had already started some side hustle, they did not feel the impact of the job loss greatly

So having other plans aside Plan A would always turn out to be a saving grace!

2.      Panic Will Kill You

Keeping still or otherwise said being lazy will certainly cause one to panic in times of stress. It really makes no sense waiting for godot when you know that he is never going to come or if he actually does, it would take eons of years.

Get on with doing something! Being able to react instead of freeze up is important.

3.     It Takes Time To Get Good At Anything 

And it is popularly said that practice makes perfect

Doing is an active thing, it is a muscle that needs to be honed every day - remember that you miss 100% of the shots you never take. Doing is action, it is taking a shot but it also means taking a good aim before shooting, you don't just shoot at random.

If you want to master any act, do it every day and by the time you have mastered it, you would become proficient in it that it will be like second nature to you.

4.       Don't Let Fear Get In Your Way

 It needs to be repeated every now and then that fear is what keeps men tied to one spot, making them unable to make any movement at all.

Doing is fear that has been allowed to express itself.

Fear is always lurking around us but it we decide to do that which we are afraid of, we might just find out that we ought to have done it a long time ago.

Doing complicated things not only requires time but also requires that we go ONE STEP at a time.

Whenever you step out and fear steps in, address it properly so that it can leave your path and allow you to move on.

Doing starts with a decision to do and so if there is something you have left on the side burner all these years, the time has come to bring it out of the cooler and kick start it. Chances are that you would get to it in less than no time

But remember to give yourself time - don't put yourself under unnecessary pressure; and not to beat up yourself if you miss a step

You have to bear through all the frustrations doing brings and don't panic and give up.

Sometimes your plans fail and having a backup plan or a backup to the backup plan is necessary to stay afloat!

Having said that I want you to be yourself while doing the beats you need to do.

However if at any point in time, you need to talk to someone, remember we are just an email away. Just hola and we shall be there at your front door

Great to have you here

Do have a great day


Friday, March 19, 2021

Why Do You Fear F E A R?


Why Do You Fear F E A R?


Think about it

You have been struggling to make ends meet, grinding the 9 to 5, taking whatever nonsense your Boss lands on your head, swearing to yourself that one day you shall make it big and then one day, just one good day, out of the blues, an opportunity comes your way - let's call it a golden opportunity.

This opportunity lands before you and then you are like

What if it doesn't work?

What if I lose my money"

What if I make a mistake?

What if it is a scam?

What if I can't do it well?
What if I actually don't know what to do?

What if I can't figure it out?

What if the witches and wizards that have been following me around also spoil this one for me?

What if it's not God's will for me?


What if?

What if?

What if?

And yet you have not asked yourself that one what if question that could propel you forward

What if it works?


What if it works and you're able to make it big from there

What if it works and you're able to leave that 9 to 5 grind of yours that has made you more miserable than happy?

What if it works and you're able to live the life you have always dreamt of?

What if it works and you're able to say good bye to lack and penury?


What if it works?

You see, FEAR is always our natural response to things that happen around us of which we have not been exposed to before they happened.

It's our minds default setting and is meant to protect us


Obsessive fear is not healthy. It's a made up story in our minds, a pattern we have created over time especially as adults.

Our ego also leads us into obsessive fear and that is what is holding most of us back and down.

You need to remember that FEAR is an acronym that stands for two phrases

False Evidence Appearing Real


Face Everything And Rise

Which would you rather choose?

Today I want to say to you just as it was said to us in the Scriptures thousands of years ago


Dr. Jerry - the First Oguzie: JP


Wednesday, March 10, 2021

The Bitter Truth That Gives Life An Edge


The Bitter Truth That Gives Life An Edge


 If you want something in life, you also have to want the costs of getting it.

Most people want the reward without the risk.

The shine without the grind.

But you can’t have a destination without a journey.

And a journey always has costs

So instead of thinking about what you want, first ask yourself:

“What am I willing to give up to get it?”

Or, for those inevitably hard days:

"What is worth suffering for?"

Seriously, think about it - If you want the six-pack abs, you have to want the sore muscles, the sweaty clothes, the morning or afternoon workouts, and the healthy meals.

If you want the successful business, you have to also want the long days, the stressful business decisions, and the possibility of failing several times to learn what you need to know to succeed.

And the same general philosophy holds true for HEALING any source of pain in your life – you have to want to WORK through the pain, step by step.

Regardless of what you want the next chapter of your life to look like, you have to consistently DO things that support this idea.

 An idea, after all, isn’t going to do anything for you until you do something productive with it.

 n fact, as long as that great idea is just sitting around in your head, it’s doing far more harm than good.

 Your subconscious mind knows you’re procrastinating on something that’s important to you.

The required work that you keep postponing causes stress, anxiety, fear, and usually more procrastination – a vicious cycle that continues to worsen until you interrupt it with positive ACTION.

That's the brutal truth!

The best action you can take right now, though, is CHANGING HOW YOU THINK about the actions you need to take

And there is a path.

I have walked this path many times. Several decades ago, in quick succession, I dealt with several significant, unexpected losses and life changes back-to-back, including losing my best childhood friend to the cold hands of death - he was just 17 - losing another friend to death due to cardiac arrest, financial unrest, and more.

The weight of these dire circumstances had me STUCK to say the least, riveted to one place and I was avoiding the very actions I needed to take to heal and move forward.

But, somehow I knew that I had to live for them and that I had to be strong and so by changing my thinking, these circumstances became the proving ground for achieving renewed happiness and beauty in my life.

The key is to understand that no matter what happens, or what challenges you face, you can choose your response, which dictates pretty much everything that happens next.

Truly, the greatest weapon you have against pain. anxiety, negativity and stress is your ABILITY TO CHOOSE one present thought and action over another – to train your mind to make the best of what you’ve got in front of you, even when the journey is harder than you expected.

Yes, YOU CAN change the way you think and respond to life! And once you do, you can master a new way to be.

And we are just one email away, should you need someone to talk to.
