Saturday, May 29, 2021

Completely Unprepared


Completely Unprepared


Muri had always had things come to him without much hassles, Not that he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth but from childhood he had learnt how to position himself to receive. His Father taught him that.

He was one of those lucky fellows who were picked up from the University immediately they were through with their studies but that aside he also did very well in the aptitude test that was administered on him and the others - infact the beat every other person to the first position and so he was offered the job of Assistant Marketing Manager immediately.

The offer came with a house - a 3 bedroom detached bungalow tastefully furnished, and a car loan for him to buy a car of his choice.

He was made to understand that the house rent and refunds for the car loan would be taken out of his monthly salary and he did not mind that.

Part of the conditions for employment was also that he was to be on probation for not less than 2 years and that confirmation and promotion were dependent on available vacancies.

Being a green horn, he did not really understand the unwritten lines behind those words so he really didn't mind.

He was too happy to have a well paying job to be bothered with the mumbo jumbo that lawyers had put together in the form of conditions of service.

He was earning a good sum of money on monthly basis but most of it was going for the refunds - house rent and car loan; he was waiting for the day that he would finish paying for the items so that he can then start saving money for his own survival.

At the end of 2 years, his appointment was confirmed.

3 years after he started work, he was yet to be promoted and then it went over to 4 years. He approached the Director of Administration to know when he would be promoted and he was informed that promotions are subject to vacancies and that right now there were no vacancies in the office of the Marketing Manager since the present occupant was still active and delivering on his mandate. He was advised to man his duty post effectively and that when the time was ripe he would be promoted.

5 years after he started work, he got married. The marriage brought in added responsibilities as his wife was not working. He started noticing that his income was not matching his expenses again. He had since finished with the car loan but now only paying for the house rent since it was not on Mortgage.

6 years after he started work, his wife put to bed - 2 babies (a boy and a girl) and that increased the demand for money in the house.

Again he sought the face of the Director of Administration and asked when he would be promoted since his family has expanded now and his income is not able to cater for the family. Again he got the same reply.

Being so livid with rage, he stormed out of the Director's office cursing and swearing, this attracted the attention of his co-workers and even the Top Management. That action attracted a query and in answering it he poured out all his frustrations about the Company and his stagnation.

On receiving the reply to the query, the Director of Administration recommended that his appointment be terminated since he was a risk to other workers in the Company.

When the Managing Director got the reply to the query and the Director's recommendation, he simply endorsed it because he felt that for a man so highly placed and trusted to have acted that way, if he was not checked, he would become an undue influence to the other workers and one day they might have a strike on their hands from aggrieved workers.

The next morning when Muri came to work, he had no inkling as to what was waiting for him right on his table; so when he saw an envelope bearing his name, he wondered where it came from but then took it and tore it open. When he read the content of the letter of termination of his appointment, his heart sank into his tummy and he just collapsed into his seat and there was nobody there to see what happened.

Not only was his appointment terminated with immediate effect and his severance pay included therein, he was given 30 days to pack out of the Company's house or face eviction.

Filled with indignation, he marched to the office of the Director of Administration to give him a piece of his mind but he was unable to have access because the DA suspecting that he would behave in that way had asked security personnel to be stationed before his office to prevent any mishaps.

Since he could not have access to the DA or the MD, he left the place filled with bile in his mouth and regrets of the years he had wasted in the Company.

His major challenge was not even that his appointment was terminated but how to relocate his family to a new home in 30 days since all he had was the severance pay which was just 150% of his salary and which would not be enough to rent another 3 bedroom bungalow.

Kindly answer these questions

1.   How would you title this story?

2.   What was Muri's major mistake in accepting the job offer?

3.   Mention at least 3 financial mistakes that Muri made while the job lasted?

4.   What do you think that Muri should do to beat the deadline given to him to relocate his family?

5.   Can you hazard a guess as to Muri's next line of action?


Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Never Ever Ever Give Up No Matter What!


Never Ever Ever Give Up No Matter What!


I'm going to use this story to explain why motivation, ambition, and sheer unstoppability are such important aspects of success.

He resisted signing documents denouncing American intervention in Southeast Asia offered to him by the North Vietnamese after his crash and incarceration as a prisoner of war in the steamy jungles of Vietnam for months.

During these times, he was inspired by the memory of his grandfather, who, amid threats of execution, had been the only person in their village powerful enough not to vote for Hitler during elections.

He had marveled at the US enemy planes as a kid in Germany, and vowed to one day fly for the United States of America.

His father had died in the war, and his mother was in dire straits. After WWII, people in Germany were starving to death.

He became used to surviving on garbage.

He had made it through the ordeal.

In these circumstances, he traded scrap metal for money and hitchhiked to Hamburg in order to get to America. He remained on the streets of Manhattan after arriving in the United States.

He trained for years, often living in an upside-down cruise, and eventually became a US Navy pilot, but...

On his first mission over Vietnam, he was shot down.

He was eventually apprehended by enemy troops; he attempted to flee but was recaptured. He banded together with the other prisoners and devised an escape scheme. There was no time to waste as the prisoners learned that their captors were going to kill them.

They were able to flee and defeat their guards. Then came leeches, hunger, hazard, and misery. He never lost faith.

He and another man believed they'd been spotted by US planes and that rescue was on the way, but it wasn't. They persisted in their efforts to reach Thailand. Villagers assassinated his neighbor.

He continued to eat snakes alone, still on the verge of starvation.

He was rescued by a US helicopter after 23 days of surviving in the jungle, sick and wounded but avoiding capture.

He'd been hiding behind enemy lines for over a year.

I recommend printing this out or saving it to your phone so you can refer to it anytime you feel like giving up.

Dieter Dengler did not give up, and you will not either.


Thursday, May 20, 2021

Accept Yourself Exactly As You Are.


Accept Yourself Exactly As You Are.


Any positive change you can prepare for in your life starts with a simple, categorical aim to either do something or stop doing something.

This type of goal is both inspiring and important.


What do you think happens when you're too focused on a target, or if you're too obsessed with it?

You start to think in a new way: that who you are right now isn't good enough.

One of our recent "Getting Back to Healthy" course students had become overly obsessed with her meditation efforts a few months earlier.

She started to tell herself, "I'm not good enough," and "I have to get better at this," as her interest in meditation increased. She started to note a number of flaws in herself that needed to be addressed.

In a nutshell, her extreme attempts to meditate for long periods of time had resulted in a slew of unwelcome self-criticism and tension.

Thankfully, with a little help from us, she realized that her fascination with meditation had caused her to overlook one of the most important aspects of meditation: self-acceptance.

The bottom line is that you must embrace yourself as you are before committing to personal development. You will not make any constructive efforts to develop if you believe you are already "perfect."

Constantly criticizing yourself, on the other hand, is just as ineffective as doing nothing, and you'll never be able to make new positive improvements in your life if you're preoccupied with your shortcomings.

The trick is to keep reminding yourself that you are already capable; all you need is more practice. There is a need, and a great one for that matter for you to transition from the "I must improve" mantra to "I have to give it all my attention" mantra

The second mantra is much more powerful because it genuinely encourages you to take constructive steps at any given time while still acknowledging that no effort is flawless.

On your path, being able to differentiate between healthy striving and self-abuse is a crucial step toward leading a healthier and more successful life.


Friday, May 7, 2021

How Can You Get Back On Your Feet, After Setbacks Or Failures?


How Can You Get Back On Your Feet, After Setbacks Or Failures?


It's inevitable that you'll face a setback or struggle at some point in your life.

Things don't always go as expected, no matter how smart or experienced you are – and that's okay.

The mindset you adopt during or after these events can have a significant impact on the type of life you lead.

Taking on challenges is an inevitable part of life.

What do you usually do when you're confronted with difficulties or setbacks?

Do you find yourself descending into despair and depression?

Do you feel angry or upset and bring negative feelings around with you?

Because of setbacks or defeats, have you given up on your hopes and dreams?

If you are confronted with a setback or what you consider to be a total failure, you may choose to see these as opportunities to learn and develop.

They're chances to stop berating yourself, practice constructive thinking, and discover your true potential.

The distinction between highly successful people and unsuccessful people is that successful people tend to learn from their setbacks and failures.

In reality, they are more likely to learn important lessons about themselves and life in general from them.

They also have a tendency to maintain a more optimistic attitude during their journey. It is possible, even if it is not always convenient.

Make Thinking Positive a Habit

Start planning what you'll do if you experience a disappointment or a mistake in the future.

You see, sometimes a failure isn't even a failure.

Some people don't consider it a loss because they see it as an opportunity to learn something new.

You did not fail because you did not complete what you set out to do or because the project did not go as expected.

It simply means you tried something, learned a few things along the way, and were unable to achieve the desired result.

Did you know that Thomas Edison attempted thousands of times to create the light bulb?

Some might claim he failed every time the bulb didn't turn on, but he didn't see it that way.

He saw it as a learning opportunity, and he was determined to keep trying.

He did succeed, as you know, after several attempts. He didn't have a pessimistic outlook and say to himself, "Oh no, I'll never be able to get this thing to function." Instead, he used motivational thinking to say, "Oh yes!" I'm going to make this thing work!”

Consider a toddler who is learning to walk.

They make a lot of mistakes and fall down, but that doesn't make them a loser.

We motivate them to get up and try again as adults.

“Come on, keep trying,” we suggest. It'll be fine. You've got it!” They begin to realize that slipping and dropping are normal parts of the learning process.

We should look at our lives in the same light.

Positive thinking will help, and it's something we can do. Make the decision in your heart that no matter what happens, you will maintain a positive attitude. And if you fall or fail, you'll get back up and try again, learning valuable lessons along the way.

Persistence is rewarded.

I know a woman who aspired to be a published author. She started out as a freelance writer and worked for a few years before learning about the publishing industry.

She started getting rejection letters after she sent out her book proposal to a number of agents.

She may have seen this as a setback.

After all, rejection is a difficult pill to take.

She didn't give up, however, and she didn't see the rejections as failures.

She knew before she even sent out the first proposal that no matter what happened, she would think positively.

She was adamant that she would find an agent willing to take a gamble on her novel, even if it took 1000 proposals.

What's more, guess what?

She got her break a year later.

She got her book deal after 86 rejections, revisions, and constructive thinking! How's that for perseverance and reward?

Getting Back on Track After a Setback

It's possible that working toward a target would not go as expected. Accept it right away. Simultaneously, commit to getting back on your feet after a setback and resuming your momentum.

Take notes on what you've learned. If you're having trouble figuring out what went wrong, consider reaching out to a counselor or coach for assistance.

We can't really see what happened or what lessons we can take away from a situation.

You may believe you're on the right track, but a failure may prompt you to change course and go in a different direction. That's fine, too. You might have a period of rapid success followed by a dry spell. That's fine, too. Your mindset and outlook will aid you in overcoming any failure or slow period. Adopting a positive outlook can also be beneficial.

After a loss, you will recover momentum by shifting your perspective and persevering in your goals.

If you're having trouble figuring out what's going on and need some guidance, know that there are plenty of people who will be happy to assist you.

You don't have to go through life by yourself.

In reality, we're wired for communication as humans, so don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it.

Also, keep in mind that you will have fun along the way. We can get into striving mode when we are too focused on the end goals. We can wake up and go about our days bearing enormous quantities of tension, binding our satisfaction to the end target.

Try to relax and enjoy the ride. Allow yourself to relax, rest, and play. You will maintain momentum in all of your efforts and come to appreciate the whole process and journey.

That is a great objective to strive for, so pursue it no matter what.


Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Success Loves Speed


Success Loves Speed


Have you heard of the phrases "money loves speed" or "success loves speed"?

It's something I've read a lot.

Marketers use it as a sales pitch to persuade prospects to act right away.

Some people use it as a source of encouragement to keep them from procrastinating.

But, success loves pace,' in my opinion, is not a sales pitch or a motivational quote.

My understanding is that when an idea hits, we must move quickly before the next door closes behind us.

The law of attraction will begin to function when we have a specific target in mind. 

We might get an idea to do something out of nowhere. 

When this happens, we must act quickly for two reasons.

1) The concept is a goal that you must achieve. The quicker you finish it, the sooner you'll be able to see the next goal.

You must not only complete it quickly, but you must also give it your all; otherwise, the next idea will not come.

Life is like a game, which is fascinating. You can't step on to the next stage until the current one is over.

Many people are trapped in life because they didn't give it their all or because they procrastinate to an unhealthy degree.

2) If you do not act quickly, the window of opportunity will close.

My mother was really concerned when I was in my early twenties and had been jobless for more than a year (I left after reading Think And Grow Rich, LOL). She knew I wouldn't listen to her, so she suggested I speak with a wealthy businessman who was a friend of my father's.

I did it because I had a business idea that needed to be funded!

My father's friend later became a business associate in my first venture.

Why did he want to team up with a complete noob like me?

He, too, had a reason.

He had a son who was roughly my age. He wasn't inspired to work because he was born with a silver spoon. My father's friend was looking for someone to work with his son and inspire him, and that's when I stepped in.

This chance may have been lost if I had waited.

Despite the fact that this opportunity cost us $50,000 in our first business venture, it taught me a valuable lesson.

In addition, that classmate of my father's became a close friend and mentor to me. He'd taught me a lot about business and investing from him.

Returning to today's subject, success adores pace.

If you have a specific target in mind, you can act quickly on any new ideas that come to mind.

The next idea will come when you finish one and learn the lesson.

You simply keep working on the next concept and studying the lessons before you reach your target.



Saturday, May 1, 2021

International Labour Day alias May Day

International Labour Day alias May Day


Today is the 1st of May and all over the World it is popularly called May Day because it is a  day set aside to celebrate all workers irrespective of their calling.

It is a special day dedicated to workers and labourers across the world.

May Day honors workers and helps them to understand their rights.

Many countries observe International Labour Day on May 1 as a national holiday.

In a study released on World Day for Safety and Health at Work, the International Labour Organization, a United Nations body that aims to set international labor standards, said, "Countries need to put in place sound and resilient workplace safety and health programs that will reduce the risks for everybody in the world of work in the event of potential health emergencies."

How Did May Day Originate?

Labour Day, also known as May Day, honors and recognizes the accomplishments of people all over the world.

The origins of Labor Day can be traced back to the 19th-century labor movement in the United States. Labor Day is observed on the first Monday in September in the United States and Canada, honoring workers and their contributions to society.

Workers' Day was founded in the United States in 1889 by a coalition of socialist organizations and labor unions. This was in commemoration of the Haymarket Riots in Chicago in 1886, when a labor demonstration rally devolved into violence after a bomb was thrown at police.

"At least eight people died as a result of the brutality that day," according to "Eight radical labor leaders were convicted despite a lack of evidence against them."

May 1 has long been synonymous with rural traditional farmer's festivals in Europe, but it was later associated with the new labor movement.


And The 5th Month Is Here!


And The 5th Month Is Here!







Finally, the long awaited 5th month of the year 2021 is here - the month of May.

The second month in the second quarter of the year 2021.

A new chapter has been given to us by God so that we might continue with the critical assignment He gave to us.

If He has kept us away from all the noisome pestilence and preserved us up until this day, it is only because our assignments are yet to be done.

It is of His Own Grace and Mercy that we are not consumed

Today I pray for you, that God shall

-      enable you to experience growth and elevation

-      allow your borders to expand and your coasts to enlarge

-      perfect all that concerns you, He shall fight your battles and you shall just hold your peace

-      not allow any weapon fashioned against you to prosper and to condemn every tongue that shall rise up in judgement against you 

-      be Your Provider, Protector, Shield and Guardian and under His very watchful Eyes, nothing shall be by any means hurt you.

-      allow your enemies to be at peace with you

Grace is made more manifest and abundant in the month of May.

May, May favour you beyond your wildest dreams.

Always be grateful

Welcome to May

Happy New Month


prepare to succeed