SolvingLifesIssues With Dr. JTF

In life we are bound to meet with disappointments and such issues that tend to take the breath away from us.

They are called the vicissitudes of life.

They are no respecter of persons of whatever Class, Age, Sect, Religion or Tribe

They happen to  men and women alike, the young and the old and even the aged.

It is at such times that we need a shoulder to lean on and a hand to hold firmly to help us tide over that period.

it is at such times that we cry if we must cry or we mourn if we must mourn.

SolvingLifesIssues with Dr. JTF is a program designed for persons who may run into murky waters from time to time or get exposed to unfavourable weather and who would need an impartial and unbiased ear to hear them out and a passionate heart to empathize.

Hello and welcome

My name is Dr. Jerry - the First. I am a Medical Practitioner cum Entrepreneur, an Author and Publisher, a Mentor and Youth friendly Global Citizen. I am also a Health and Wellness Consultant and a Health/Business/Life Coach.

After hearing so many confessional statements in my consulting room while I was actively consulting, I came away with the impression that a lot of people are hurting inwards and do not have the avenue to let off the steam that slowly boils in them and actually leads to a burnt out situation.

A lot of people are living lives of quiet desperation, bombarded on all sides and not seemingly having escape routes.

In this program, SolvingLifesIssues with Dr. JTF, we plan to help persons take a second look at their challenges and find a way round them.

We are very much aware that out of every adversity rises the plant of greatness, we intend to help people know that every problem has an expiry date and that nothing lasts for ever.

We would be happy to have you on board and to help you solve whatever challenges you are having in the present time and which ever would show in the time after now.

You can reach us on these our contacts

Whatsapp/sms/call:     0705-994-9508
BB Pin:     563C84F1
Twitter:     @SLIwithDrJTF
Email:      sirjtf2012(AT)
Skype:    @hoijerrythefirst

Thank you for investing your time with us and you can be rest assured that we keep your confidentiality really confidential.



So he stabbed you at the back when you least expected it?
He framed you up for usury?
He blackmailed you for a porridge of beans?
He asked you for money to do something for you, you gave him and he used it for himself?
He cheated you and broke your heart into smithereens?
He bad mouthed you to your friends causing a rift between you and them?
He walked out on you just when you needed his support most?
He laid an accusation on you which even he knows is not true but had to keep up with it because he is on someone else’s pay roll?
So you have series of heart brokenness and your heart is finally dead but not yet buried?
So you are still hurting?
So you cannot forgive?

My dear
I tell you, as a person I have passed through all these hurts but I have always come out stronger because I sincerely believe that “It is not what happens to you that determines how far you go in life, it is what you do wit what happens to you

So are you still hurting?
You can talk to me

Our program “overcominglifeschallenges” with Dr. Jerry – the First is on stream now. You can reach us on +2348189915555

God bless you abundantly

Dr. Jerry – the First


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