Monday, February 15, 2021

How Do You Manage The Cracks In Your Life?


How Do You Manage The Cracks In Your Life?


Just as it has been said times without number, there is no perfect life.

Every person has a crack in his or her life.

The challenge most of us have is what to do with the cracks in our lives.

The story is told of an elderly woman who daily walked down to the river every morning to fetch water - her house was not far from the river and she regarded it as part of the exercise to keep fit.

She used to carry two buckets, one on the left hand and the other on the right hand.

She would fill them both at the river and then carry them back.

Of the two buckets, one was water tight and held its water flawlessly but the other a little bit older and had a few thin almost unnoticeable cracks on its body and thus dripped water as the old lady carried the buckets home.

Then one day

On the walk down to the river, the cracked bucket – who had always felt like it wasn’t as good as the other bucket – said to the elderly woman, “I want you to know that I’ve been leaking water every morning for the past several years. I’m so sorry for being cracked and making your life more difficult. I understand if you need to replace me with a better bucket.”

The elderly woman smiled. “Do you really think I haven’t known about your cracks this whole time?” she asked. “Look at all the beautiful flowers that grow on the path from my cottage to the river. I planted their seeds, but every morning it’s you who does the watering.”

This teaches us that 

Feeling good enough in life, in work, in business, and in our relationships has everything to do with how we personally judge the cracks in our own bucket. Because we all have a few cracks!

But are they cracks that wreck us, that taint us, and that ruin our experience and desirability?

Or do our cracks water a trail of flowers we haven’t even stopped to appreciate?

Choose to see the flowers through the cracks in your own bucket – choose to see how it’s exactly those cracks that make you good enough

Living is a choice, choose the cracks you wish to see and the ones you wish to ignore.

Give it a try



  1. Inspiring story with moral lessons..We all have our flaws to deal with but our flaws don't determine how far we go in the journey of life.We grow to accept our reality

    1. Exactly
      We grow to accept our reality which include our cracks and all other things

  2. I chose to live and I will keep living. So inspiring.

    1. Life is about choices - the ones we made and the ones we didn't

  3. Dr.Dennis Ekwedike: Life is never complete without imperfections.
    We should learn to be grateful in all situations and conditions !

  4. ODIMEGWU ODIRA FrancisFebruary 15, 2021 at 9:24 PM

    It is said that God writes straight in a crooked line. Cracks in our lives seen with positive lens can be a point of growth.

  5. Cracks and flaws will always be there. What matters is how we see it either as a weakness or as an inspiration or as a source of strength. Cracks, thank you for the reminder sir. Mind blowing

  6. Life is all about the way we see it ,it is never stereotyped.

  7. Life is all about the way we see it,it is never stereotyped.
