Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Every Adult Male Should Know These 5 Things


Every Adult Male Should Know These 5 Things


Having come this far on the ladder of life, and seeing things from a different perspective now, here's what I think every adult male should know.

There are 5 of them in the main and a little 6th

1. Don't Depend On Anyone To Validate You.

Create a video if you want to make a TV show. Write a book and self-publish it if you want to.

Find a business that wants to be sold and another that wants to buy it and position yourself in the middle if you want to be an investment banker. You are not required to be "selected" by Goldman Sachs.

 Find a way to learn online if you want to get an education. To be X, you don't need a degree in X. (unless legally).

 2. Don't Entrust Your Self-Esteem To Anyone

When I've met a woman, I've essentially given her my entire self-esteem to look after.

Then she gets tired of me, bored with me, and dumps me, robbing me of my self-esteem before I can reclaim it.

It's difficult enough to maintain one's own self-esteem, let alone yours.

Maintain your own sense of self-worth.

3. Health

Men die at a younger age than women.

There are only three things you can do to improve your fitness. I'll throw in a fourth.

a.     Good night's rest.

b.     Eat healthily.

c.     Low levels of anxiety.

d.     Exercise is also beneficial to all of the above.

To me, stress is evident. 

A number of men died as a result of a stroke they suffered while arguing about property or money or having heated arguments over things that don't matter much.

If you don't get enough sleep, you'd likely get sick. 

And if you don't eat well, you'd be hungry most of the time and that will make you sad. 

But that's all the truth you need to know, you don't have to read any books on the topic.

Fill in the blanks with how you intend to complete the tasks mentioned above. It makes no difference.

If you want a high quality of life into old age, you can do it as long as you are mindful of how critical the above four are.

4. Ingenuity

You become professional when you are imaginative. Try to do one creative thing that makes you happy every day.

This is one way to make yourself the most important person in your life.

What is the reason for this? And your own view of the world's beauty or horror would be special. It is going to be yours. It's yours.

Does this seem to be self-centered? It most certainly is.

However, a 1% increase in creativity every day turns you into a giant in the eyes of others.

You will feel healthy, have stronger interpersonal relationships, and be able to accomplish your goals.

5. Resign From Your Job

A work would not allow you to become wealthy. You must either start a business or have several sources of income to become wealthy. A work is just one source of revenue. "Me, Inc." could broaden its horizons.

Don't leave your job the next day. I didn't leave my job until I'd been running my side business for 18 months. Take responsibility for your actions. Just take it slowly and steadily, working toward this target every day.

Why do you feel the need to become wealthy? Is this something that only a man can notice?

Not at all. This is something that women should do as well. But, traditionally, men have been the breadwinners in our country, and if you can do it, you can feel better about yourself.

So go ahead and do it.

Oh, there's one more, and it's pretty self-evident. See? Always be truthful. Self-evident.

That's it

Thank you for reading

Let us know by way of a quality comment in the comment section which of these resonates with you and why


Thursday, April 22, 2021

Stop Limiting Yourself


Stop Limiting Yourself


I have since found out that our reality is a reflection of our strongest belief

You see everything that happens in life from the lens of that which you hold very dear, that which you would never want to be parted from and this does not have to be right or wrong, it is just your belief.

Do you know that there are so many limiting beliefs that people are carrying around and which has limited them in many ways than one?

Do you know that these limiting beliefs are just how we are wired from our nature and nurture?

Do you know that the first step towards freeing oneself from those limiting beliefs is to understand them as what they are - limiting beliefs

Do you know that limiting beliefs are not to be celebrated nor bragged with?

When you say, this is how I am, are you really defining yourself or are you echoing what you have heard about you?

When you say that's the way I used to do it, are you really crucifying yourself or marking yourself?

A thousand and one ways by which we limit ourselves - in our thoughts, by our words, in our actions.

I'm going to share an insight with you:

If you grew up around people with a negative mindset about success and wealth, the likelihood that you would walk the same exact rope is 99.9% and that belief would hold you back a lot unless and until you do something about it.

My message to you today is to stop limiting yourself, you are much more than you think or even know, give yourself permission to grow beyond your own shadows.

Let me ask you some direct questions:

Are you comfortable with who you are at this very moment?

Is there something in your life that you would like to change?

If yes, what is it?

How important is this change for you?

Why hasn't this change happened at this point in your life?

When you reflect on these questions you might discover some resistance that's holding you back from getting what you want.

This resistance is most likely the cause of your self limiting beliefs.

Question those beliefs,, because I see to many people who are holding themselves back and accept a life that they don't truly want...

While they have so much potential that they're not using to their advantage.

 Here's the deal:

Getting rid of self limiting beliefs... creates more potential.

More potential equals more action.

More action equals more results.

Until next time, have an awesome day!



Thursday, April 1, 2021

Thank God For April


Thank God For April


It's April 1 2021, the beginning of the 4th month and 2nd quarter of the year 2021.

If God has allowed you to see this day, it only means one thing - that the assignment He gave you to do is yet to be completed and so you have another opportunity to take a go at life and the process of living.

Today I pray for you, that God shall

-     enable you to experience growth and elevation

-     allow your borders to expand and your coasts to enlarge

-     perfect all that concerns you, He shall fight your battles and you shall just hold your peace

-     not allow any weapon fashioned against you to prosper and to condemn every tongue that shall rise up in judgement against you  

-     be Your Provider, Protector, Shield and Guardian and under His very watchful Eyes, nothing shall be by any means hurt you.

-     allow your enemies to be at peace with you

It's a month of manifold blessings and may you position yourself properly and effectively to appropriate the blessings

Always be grateful

Welcome to April

Happy New Month
