Sunday, November 8, 2015

If It Is Ordained, It Is Settled

My Friends

It's a brand new day and I thank God that we all woke up hale and hearty.

Now, let me tell you something; I can never get tired of saying thank You to God for each day I open my eyes after sleeping to behold the beauty of yet another day.

Appreciating God for that which He had done is one sure way of getting more done for me.

The other day, I was on a trip to deliver a training. Before fixing the date, I had sought clearance from Heaven and was assured that I would arrive safely.

That morning, before departing, I asked for two things - grace and mercy. And because I wanted to arrive early, I took off early but 45 minutes into my journey, the brake system of the car brought us to a halt; I had to go back to base for the Mechanic to fix it which he did to our satisfaction and we took off again after spending two hours and some minutes at the Mechanic's place.

Two hours into the journey, the brake system gave way again and this happened just some few meters to a Mechanic's workshop. I branched into the workshop and the Mechanic and his boys went to work, one hour later, we were good to go.
And go we did, and there were no more incidents until we arrived.

Now, the surprising thing is that because of the very BAD ROADS, we were unable to fire well and had to be literally "crawling" BUT darkness did not becloud our vision until we ARRIVED.

You know that we are having shorter days and longer nights now, by 6.45 pm, darkness has already descended.

So it was surprising to us that we still experienced light until about 7.30 pm when we arrived and then DARKNESS fell.


Did God grant my request for grace and mercy - oh sure He did and that's why I say that though we may choose our paths, but God directs our steps and whatever He has ordained must surely come to fulfillment but not necessarily the way we expect it.

Glory be to His Holy Name



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