Friday, May 7, 2021

How Can You Get Back On Your Feet, After Setbacks Or Failures?


How Can You Get Back On Your Feet, After Setbacks Or Failures?


It's inevitable that you'll face a setback or struggle at some point in your life.

Things don't always go as expected, no matter how smart or experienced you are – and that's okay.

The mindset you adopt during or after these events can have a significant impact on the type of life you lead.

Taking on challenges is an inevitable part of life.

What do you usually do when you're confronted with difficulties or setbacks?

Do you find yourself descending into despair and depression?

Do you feel angry or upset and bring negative feelings around with you?

Because of setbacks or defeats, have you given up on your hopes and dreams?

If you are confronted with a setback or what you consider to be a total failure, you may choose to see these as opportunities to learn and develop.

They're chances to stop berating yourself, practice constructive thinking, and discover your true potential.

The distinction between highly successful people and unsuccessful people is that successful people tend to learn from their setbacks and failures.

In reality, they are more likely to learn important lessons about themselves and life in general from them.

They also have a tendency to maintain a more optimistic attitude during their journey. It is possible, even if it is not always convenient.

Make Thinking Positive a Habit

Start planning what you'll do if you experience a disappointment or a mistake in the future.

You see, sometimes a failure isn't even a failure.

Some people don't consider it a loss because they see it as an opportunity to learn something new.

You did not fail because you did not complete what you set out to do or because the project did not go as expected.

It simply means you tried something, learned a few things along the way, and were unable to achieve the desired result.

Did you know that Thomas Edison attempted thousands of times to create the light bulb?

Some might claim he failed every time the bulb didn't turn on, but he didn't see it that way.

He saw it as a learning opportunity, and he was determined to keep trying.

He did succeed, as you know, after several attempts. He didn't have a pessimistic outlook and say to himself, "Oh no, I'll never be able to get this thing to function." Instead, he used motivational thinking to say, "Oh yes!" I'm going to make this thing work!”

Consider a toddler who is learning to walk.

They make a lot of mistakes and fall down, but that doesn't make them a loser.

We motivate them to get up and try again as adults.

“Come on, keep trying,” we suggest. It'll be fine. You've got it!” They begin to realize that slipping and dropping are normal parts of the learning process.

We should look at our lives in the same light.

Positive thinking will help, and it's something we can do. Make the decision in your heart that no matter what happens, you will maintain a positive attitude. And if you fall or fail, you'll get back up and try again, learning valuable lessons along the way.

Persistence is rewarded.

I know a woman who aspired to be a published author. She started out as a freelance writer and worked for a few years before learning about the publishing industry.

She started getting rejection letters after she sent out her book proposal to a number of agents.

She may have seen this as a setback.

After all, rejection is a difficult pill to take.

She didn't give up, however, and she didn't see the rejections as failures.

She knew before she even sent out the first proposal that no matter what happened, she would think positively.

She was adamant that she would find an agent willing to take a gamble on her novel, even if it took 1000 proposals.

What's more, guess what?

She got her break a year later.

She got her book deal after 86 rejections, revisions, and constructive thinking! How's that for perseverance and reward?

Getting Back on Track After a Setback

It's possible that working toward a target would not go as expected. Accept it right away. Simultaneously, commit to getting back on your feet after a setback and resuming your momentum.

Take notes on what you've learned. If you're having trouble figuring out what went wrong, consider reaching out to a counselor or coach for assistance.

We can't really see what happened or what lessons we can take away from a situation.

You may believe you're on the right track, but a failure may prompt you to change course and go in a different direction. That's fine, too. You might have a period of rapid success followed by a dry spell. That's fine, too. Your mindset and outlook will aid you in overcoming any failure or slow period. Adopting a positive outlook can also be beneficial.

After a loss, you will recover momentum by shifting your perspective and persevering in your goals.

If you're having trouble figuring out what's going on and need some guidance, know that there are plenty of people who will be happy to assist you.

You don't have to go through life by yourself.

In reality, we're wired for communication as humans, so don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it.

Also, keep in mind that you will have fun along the way. We can get into striving mode when we are too focused on the end goals. We can wake up and go about our days bearing enormous quantities of tension, binding our satisfaction to the end target.

Try to relax and enjoy the ride. Allow yourself to relax, rest, and play. You will maintain momentum in all of your efforts and come to appreciate the whole process and journey.

That is a great objective to strive for, so pursue it no matter what.



  1. Thank you for sharing Sir.Failure is part of the process.People fail not to give up but to learn and grow better.A positive mind begets positive growth.You don't grow with a negative mind.It is advised one remains optimistic no matter what life throws at them.

    1. Exactly
      Men are supposed to see failure as a part of the process of succeeding BUT many men do not see it that way. They see failure as an end in and by itself and thus give up without further trying.
      Those who know that failure is not the opposite of success but a learning process on the road to success and who approach it with a positive mindset would definitely arrive at their success.

  2. Thank you for this inspiring pieces Dr. Categorically speaking, failure is inevitable in the curriculum of life, because without failure there will be of the Best America Business Man Henry Ford failed countless number of time, but each time he failed he rose up and learned from his failure, his legacy lives hitherto and that made FORD company to be of the best car company the world has ever known. I discovered and learned this from one of the book you recommended for me, Think and Grow Rich By Napoleon Hill.

    1. Awesome
      Failure is not failure until the man has finally accepted that he failed and never to rise again

  3. Nice composition Sir!

    I like your reply to the post before mine when you said that "failure is not failure until man's finally accepted that he failed and never to rise again." That simply denotes that failure is a thing of the Mind. It is a mindset Game. One accepts that it is fatal and brutal, it becomes that for him/her. One accepts that it is not fatal and brutal, it becomes that for him/her.

    Eventually, the truth is, failure is not FATAL!!

    1. Oh yes
      Failure should not be fatal to the man with a Positive Mindset

  4. ODIMEGWU ODIRA FrancisMay 8, 2021 at 9:50 PM

    Downfall, they say, it's not the end of a man's life. We learn from our failures because without them, we wouldn't grow. We just have to keep the mind positive and dare big as the World.

    1. Exactly
      The downfall of a man should not be the of his life
      Most times really life has to continue even when the thrills of living are gone

  5. Challenges are inevitable in life,therefore we must take a critical look at our challenges and see the opportunities therein so that we can forge ahead

    1. Every challenge presents a new opportunity to the discerning mind

  6. Failure are part of life. It is a bitter pill to slow. We should see it in good fate and keep trying. Persistence is key as well as being positive. Learning from previous experiences and try another. Just try again. Thank you Sir

    1. Certainly, failure is part of life and we should see it as normal in the process of arriving at the top of the success hill. And as you mentioned, persistence is the key to achievement

  7. I have never seen nor heard a success story that was made in the heaven. Every success story has at one time or another had it's challenges which were conquered to success. "She stoop to conquer"has always been the parameter for measuring success is achieved.

    Quitters never win. In life, it's only death that can stop one from moving forward. Sometimes, when I see the special citizens in our society who defile odds to make great feast out of life, I begin to wonder what I am actually doing with my whole body intact. Indeed, I need to do something fascinating to at least prove them otherwise.

    I need brain to think and create a world for myself. I am actually moving but needs the movement to be garnished. Those garnishment are coming in quantum here, I appreciate sir.

    Thanks for the edification, I am reinvigorated again.

    1. The Scripture says "to them that believe, to them, nothing shall be impossible"
      A man can always get out of the pit if he decides that he wants to do that - decision is key here

  8. You don't have to go through this all by yourself, that got me thinking. We will continue to push until we get there. A powerful reminder from TIC.

    1. Yes my friend
      Nobody needs to go through life challenges all by themselves
      There's always help to be sought and given
      the only challenge is that most people don't know how to seek help aright
