Monday, June 15, 2020

You Get What You Believe You Deserve

\You Get What You Believe You Deserve

You are such a good person, always trying the best you can to live a moral and righteous life. Never intentionally hurting anyone and making great efforts to be your neighbours keeper.

And yet, many a time, you wonder why the good things of life you feel you deserve do not come your way.

You see others that you think you are better off than hitting it well on life but you, things don't go the same way for you and you wonder why?

Well the truth of the matter is - you are not going to get anything out of life that you don't really believe you deserve.

Now, this belief is not the one that you mouth - it is the one that you FERVENTLY hold and daily ruminate in it.

It is not enough in life to live morally and ethically. You must also be mentally straight.

You must have a positive self-image in order to receive the blessings of life!

I am often asked the question, "Why Do The Righteous Suffer?" In other words, "Why do seemingly good people suffer?"

You can be morally and ethically straight and correct, but if you do not know how to positively relate to your emotions and the processes of your mind, you will suffer.

So, it isn't enough just to be a good person. You must have a proper self-identity. You must fervently believe that you deserve God's goodness.

So "Why do good people suffer?" Because they don't believe that they deserve God's goodness.

They ask for God's goodness in their prayers, but down deep, they don't believe they deserve it.

If you don't believe you deserve God's goodness, what do you believe then?

At the subconscious level are you believing you deserve the opposite of good?

Maybe that is why you aren't getting the good you desire

Watch the presentation on Youtube


  1. That which you deserve cannot come to you until your desire for it reaches a feverish pitch
