Wednesday, June 17, 2020

A Fearful Mind Will Always Draw Suffering

A Fearful Mind Will Always Draw Suffering

As we all know, corona virus is on a rampage all over the World right now and many a man has become afraid of going out to public places and crowded places.
That is the sensible thing to do right?
Yea right

However, 2 days ago I met a man - in his 70s who said he was not afraid of the virus because he knows that God will not allow him to be infected since he is a child of God.

So I asked him, if he would willingly allow himself to be put in close contact with a person who is confirmed corona virus patient and he replied that he would do no such thing because he does not want to tempt God.
I put it to him that he was exhibiting fear of contracting the virus.

Those of us who are Christians and very conversant with the story of Job would remember that God was very proud of Job because he was a man after His very Own Heart and thus God allowed satan to tempt Job.

And thus in one fell swoop - just in one day, all that Job laboured for all his life went with the flaming fire - Job's children were taken away, his health was taken away, and his wealth was taken away.

Why did all these things happen to Job, a righteous man?

I ask you, was Job really righteous (meaning right thinking) or was he simply religious?

When Job got the news of the vanishing of his earthly possessions he declared, "The thing I greatly feared has come upon me." (Job 3:25) And that is exactly what got Job - "The thing he feared."

Just like some of you, you don't know why you feel so bad. But you go around afraid of what might happen; filled with worry and anxieties, you go around with your feelings dragging in the dirt.

So, like I said last time, it isn't enough to be moral and ethical

You must have the correct self-awareness. 
You must know yourself and learn how to control your thoughts and feelings. 

This is what I mean by 'righteous'. You must be mentally straight! You have to learn how to lift up your feelings - how to lift up your emotions. 

Learn to control your own thoughts and feelings and beliefs about yourself.

You have to learn to go inside of yourself and develop a positive self-image and positive self-esteem.


  1. 1. The greatest fear of mankind is the fear of failure in anything. For most people, it is the fear of death.William Shakespeare in one of his books said that the coward dies many times before his actual death while the villian dies but only once !

    2.This fear resides in the mind of man. His thinking process and beliefs system.

    3.Yes ! It has happened severally to me that I have chosen to develop my mind not to be unnecessarily afraid of things again.

    4.The best way to overcome fear of anything is to have the right awareness of self ! This is mean to know oneself and to know how to control one's thought and feelings and beliefs about oneself. And also learn to develop a positiveself image positive self esteem. This amounts to having faith in one's self.

  2. The greatest fear of mankind is the fear of the unknown. That includes; unforseen catastrophes, death, failure, health challenges and natural disasters.

    That fear resident in the mind of every mankind. It is emedded inside the subconsciousness of every being and is activated once some prevailing situations triumph over it.

    Sure! The death of my mum was one. She was sick for years and was taken around within our content for healthcare but hey, she didn't survive afterwards. I lived with that fear till she died. I had always prayed she never does but she did afterwards.

    Just like Paul the Apostle declared in one of his statements in one of Epistles, "for me to die is gain because what awaits me is eternal glory". Here, we must live our lives knowing and being prepared always that it shall be taken one day. Living our lives as if it will end on a daily basis is the surest way to go.

  3. Morgan Oscar

    1. The greatest fear of mankind is relative to individuals; for some people, it is fear and worries that all they have gained in life will either be stolen, or forcefully hijacked or even they might get defrauded, and lose everything; while for some people, the fear that they might never be able to worth anything in life, they fear that with all the not so palatable happenings around them, life is unfair and they can never make it to become influential, notable, or ever live a life of comfort; while to some people is fear of the unknown, they can't tell but they know they are always afraid, medicine calls it paranoia.

    2. Job's fear resided in losing all he has ever amassed in life; the wealth and his beautiful family.

    3. There have been times when I was caught up with my fears and worries. Yeah.

    4. The best way to overcome fear in life is always to hope for the best but also be prepared for the worst. Never let your guard down, and never be too desperate. Always remember in life, falling is not failing, life teaches us lessons; good and bad, be ready to learn and embrace the changing life throws at you.

  4. KELLY

    1. The greatest fear of mankind is the fear of the unknown. A state of mind that something calamitous will happen to him/her. How it will happen he/she doesn't know.

    2. I think fear resides in people's mind. The mind has the liberty to wonder either controlled or astray. In its wondering, it picks up so many things that impacts negatively on the individual; which can generate fear.

    3. Yes. I was called that my dad was ill and wanted to see me on a Sunday evening sometime in March 2013. My company was scheduled for ISO (quality) Audit on the next Wednesday. I couldn't leave immediately because of the audit since I had to sit in for HR. Such audits there are non-conformity bookings you accumulate that can lead to the withdrawal of the company's ISO Certificate. Therefore I decided to wait and carry out the audit and travel thereafter. I was so afraid praying for God to keep him alive until I get home to see him. Alas! He died before I arrived.

    4. Hmmmmmm! To try and answer this question, I'll have to draw from my spiritual constituency. I strongly believe that FEAR IS THE OPPOSITE OF FAITH in vice versa (this is personal pls). Therefore, to overcome fear I increase in faith. Without any intentions to sound immodest, I can say vividly that I have overcome the fear of anything.

  5. Ekwedike Chinwe

    1.The greatest fear of mankind is the fear of the unknown.the but of life. What if I fail this exam,what if I did not succeed in this business etc .

    2.The fear lived in his mind, because the bible says as a man thinketh so is he.One of the truth that comes from this wise saying is the connection between words and thought,Jesus said it this way - a couple of times "For the mouth speaks what mind is full of "Matthew12:34,Luke6:45,proverbs 12:14."You can change your world by changing your words... ....Remember, death and life are in the power of tongue.

    3.Yes,countless times,both good and bad,they do happen to me.

    4.The best approach to overcome fear of anything is to be optimistic about everything. Since the spiritual controls the physical. Proverbs 4:23 Guard your heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life. Like 6:45.A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good, and an evil man out of the evil treasure bringeth forth evil things.

  6. 1.The greatest fear of mankind is the fear of losing a valuable thing of possession.
    2.The fear resided in his mind as the saying goes as man thinks in his heart so does he becomes,we are the product of our thinking. Whatever happens to us whether good or bad comes from our thinking pattern.
    3. Yes ,once a time I was thinking of dreadful situation that actually happened when I became suspicious of an event of my ex fiancee cheating on me it actually happened when my mind was fixated on the probability of her cheating on me and it dreadly happened as I thought. So our thinking pattern should be engineered towards positive thoughts and we should get rid of our innermost fears.
    4. The best way of overcoming fear is to counter those fears with positive thinking patterns and always tune our minds to positive thoughts.
