Thursday, June 18, 2020

Nothing Can Come To You Unless You Draw It

Nothing Can Come To You Unless You Draw It

Many times, things happen to good religious people and people who think they are righteous, and they don't understand why.

They say, "Now why would this person do me out of this?

Why do these 'things' happen to me?"

If somebody is always doing you out of something, watch out. It means that somewhere in your subconscious psychology, there is some kind of negative belief.

It could be the belief that you are not deserving. Nothing can come to you unless you believe you deserve it, and nothing can go from you unless you believe you don't deserve it.

You are not going to get anything that you don't really believe you deserve

And if you do appear to get something that you really don't think you deserve - you think it's too good for you - don't worry, it will slip away.

Somebody else will come along and take it off your hands.

So it is very important that you think you deserve the best.

You Are A Child Of God
Your belief about yourself should be based upon your knowledge of who and what you are in God, and who and what God is in you.

You deserve the best because you are a child of God.

Here's the presentation o Youtube


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