Sunday, June 14, 2020

Motivation For Today - Week 1 - Numbers 1 - 3

Get Your 'BUT' Out Of The Way

I have come across quite a number of persons who in conversation say to me -
Doctor, I really want to be an achiever BUT
Doctor, I want to have the best things of life BUT
Doctor, I would really want to do something unique BUT

And at all those times, I always say back to them

You could be what you want to be

You could do what you want to do

You could have what you want to have

if only you would just get your 'BUT' out of the way

I want you to do something
Start today to practice what I call the 'BUT MINDFULNESS' - now that simply means for you to take note of the number of times you use the word BUT in your sentences about the things you want to be or do or have or the place you want to go, you will discover that the only thing standing between you and all those things is BUT and it's your own BIG BUT


because the Universe has given you everything you need or want in large quantities and it is only your BUT that is keeping you from accessing them.

Between You And The Word Of God

And the Scripture says:

Set a watch oh Lord before my mouth

And keep the door of my lips

The word is very important

What you say about yourself is the word of God to you

If you say you are poor, that is your word and that  becomes the word of God to you

that becomes the word that determines your experience
that becomes the word that determines your expression

If you say you cannot get anywhere
If you say you cannot succeed

if you say you cannot prosper

If you say you were born unlucky
If you say you cannot hold down any money
If you say nothing works for you
If you say that you are born to lose
then those are your words and they also become the word of God to you

If you say you are rich, that is your word and that becomes the word of God to you and that becomes the word that determines both your experience and your expression.

And you're never going get any further in life than the word of God meaning your word about yourself

Your Word Is Creative

And in the Scripture it is written
"My word that goes forth out of my mouth shall not return to me void but it shall accomplish that which I please and prosper the thing unto where I sent it" -  that is God's Word but this is the truth also about the word of every man.

Because every word we utter goes into the Universe and as seeds sown by a farmer germinate and bear fruits in their due season for the farmer, those words go out there to accomplish that which they were sent to do and thus never come back to us void

There is creative power in your every word

The Infinite has given it to you to create your own world.

We are made in the image and likeness of God and if He created the Heavens and the Earth and all that there are in them by His Words - then you have the power to create your own world by your own words - He has given you that power already.

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