Monday, June 8, 2020

Get Your 'BUT' Out Of The Way

I have come across quite a number of persons who in conversation say to me -

Doctor, I really want to be an achiever BUT
Doctor, I want to have the best things of life BUT
Doctor, I would really want to do something unique BUT

And at all those times, I always say back to them

You could be what you want to be
You could do what you want to do
You could have what you want to have

if only you would just get your 'BUT' out of the way

I want you to do something
Start today to practice what I call the 'BUT MINDFULNESS' - now that simply means for you to take note of the number of times you use the word BUT in your sentences about the things you want to be or do or have or the place you want to go, you will discover that the only thing standing between you and all those things is BUT and it's your own BIG BUT

because the Universe has given you everything you need or want in large quantities and it is only your BUT that is keeping you from accessing them.


  1. My first "but" before now is procrastination. My second "but" is "finance" and my last "but" is always afraid of failing therein, don't take risk until now.

    5 reasons for but.
    Lack of discipline.
    Lack of diligence.
    Loss of focus.

    Fear is always an inhibitor. No one went to the top with fear. For one to climb, one must conquer this ill factor.

    Procrastination is a killer virus. No one achieves anything by putting off assignments to other times. No time is convenient, everytime is set for the job to be done. Just a timetable and adequate planning, we are good to go.

    Discipline takes one to conquer every but. For ones inability to conquer self which tells the brain and body that I am not ready for anything, leads to the biggest "buts" that one hardly comes out from.

    Diligence has always been the hallmark to the height we intend to climb. Hardworking minds cannot never remain with "but". They rise above it always.

    Our lack of focus is always an incontrovertibly "but". One cannot be going to Lagos and suddenly stop at Ore. The journey must continue unless ones but conquers the focus.

    The best way to overcome our but is by acting against it. Once the but raises such odds, we act anticlockwise to it. We chose to do everything in parallel to it. That's the only way to conquer our "BUT".

    My buts are big military against my barracks, I need them conquered. Thanks convener. TGIF.

    1. The buts will always be part of life and living. It takes courage to overcome them. Get some

  2. Morgan Oscar

    1. My own but(s) are
    * Fear of failure, procrastination,
    and unpreparedness which always makes me not believe or know my abilities

    2. "But" in other words can be doubts, and these I will be listing below are some reasons why some people doubt themselves and in turn fail to prove themselves:
    *Fear: Each time there is something to be achieved, and the first thing that comes to a person's mind is fear of failure or measuring up; it is like a universal constant that automatically kicks in; your mind, your whole body and everything around you begins to work in negation all to ensure that fear is not conquered. The best way to conquer fear is; go into anything saying to yourself; this can only go two ways: I either win or I learn...i can never fail.
    *Procrastination: This one is a subtle destroyer. You keep feeling; yea I can do it, but I'll do it later, and before you know it, there is no time to properly do it or even do it at all. Failure becomes inevitable. The way to conquer this one is: do that thing you have to do now, or at least start and pause to continue later if necessary; but if not finish what you start.
    *Unpreparedness: there is a saying that goes; he who fails to plan, plans to fail; another goes, whichever way you lay your bed so you lie in it. Each time you fail to take things seriously, you will be shocked to see how woefully you will fail in this areas. No matter how light something may seem, everything and anything you choose to succeed in, must be given proper attention.
    *Lack of believe in yourself: Until you start to believe in yourself and your abilities, you might never appreciate or even notice any good thing that comes your way and you might never see yourself as capable of doing or becoming anything good. All of the first three written above can result in this; but If you never let yourself get overwhelmed in fear, and you make sure you do what's necessary and required of you as at the time meant for it and you take all your doings seriously, you will build self confidence to face anyone or anything so as to prove how an excellent person you are.
    *Being too hard on yourself: Stop being too hard on yourself. In life always give room for eventualities and unexpected outcomes. When you win, rejoice and when you don't win, be happy but learn and win when next you try.

    3. *Never be afraid of anything; always carry with you the winners mindset.
    * Be ready for anything but always hope for the best
    * Always believe in yourself
    * Always shun laziness and procrastination.
    * Always take responsibility for your actions. Never push blames.
    * If you ever fail or fall, get up and try again
    * Be diligent, determined, disciplined and focused on an achievable goal.
    * Always be ready to try something different; go the extra mile to be unique.
    * Believe in God.

    1. Having insight into a problem is already a solution half way, going all out to sort out the problem leads to its complete solution
      You already have insight into what is holding you back, BUILT enough resilience to overcome it

  3. KELLY

    1. My own BUT has been "procrastination". I have been behaving like a benevolent spirit (hitherto now) who will rather please others but myself. Most people - bosses, friends, colleagues and associates will throw things on me to help carry out for them; while I procrastinate on mine. This has been a bane on me for a long time. I'm beginning to perfect the courtesy and diplomacy in turning down some assistance without personally feeling bad or disappointing the person involved. This has helped me to focus a lot on driving my ambitions and vision.

    2. The five reasons for buts may include:
    (i) Procrastination - This is the state of the mind that "a thing can be left undone till tomorrow". It is usually said that tomorrow never comes; however a lot of people keep falling into this pit. The feeling or believe that you still have all the time on your side when you procrastinate or postpone important & necessary issues of life is a bane on one's progress in life. The problem of: "BUT I CAN DO IT TOMORROW, I CAN GO THERE NEXT WEEK, I WILL BEGIN OR START IT NEXT MONTH," etc, when it can actually be faced headlong and delivered NOW is "a little fox in the vine".

    (ii) Lack of the necessary information, knowledge, skills or competencies: This is another reason for a BUT in someone's life. When an individual lacks these basic criteria for progress, the motivation to begin, commence or start what he desires becomes threatened with a BUT. To solve this such a person can go acquire these basics first in order to be equipped and there after lunch out.

    (iii) Inferiority or superiority complex: This is a double edged sword that delivers BUTs in people's life. Some people think so lowly of themselves and as such feels unqualified. Others may think so highly of themselves and as such foolishly believe they are "above such a class". Exhibiting any of this two complexes destroys one's motivation to carry out anything. To overcome this, one must imbibe the spirit of humility and modesty and radiate self confidence.

    (iv) Lack of determination & diligence: These are factors pulled from one's will power and when the motivation to carry out the pull is lacking it concludes with a BUT. The Holy Book states, 'seest thou a man diligent in his business, for he shall stand before kings and not before mean men - Pr 22:29. To overcome this, one must have a positive mindset that makes him resolve that "it is not over until I win (i.e. I complete it, I carry it our successfully, etc)

    (v) Lack of life's purpose: A man without the knowledge of his destination will always have a BUT to do or not do anything. Lacking the vision of your life's purpose means you don't know what you want out of life's existence and as such all things, anything and everything goes. To overcome this, one has to discover his purpose on earth and map out ways or strategies to actualize it.

    3. The best ways to overcome the five reasons for BUTs I've presented are already stated in each of the presentation.

    1. Procrastination is a major issue in life and the best way to overcome it is to DO IT NOW concerning whatever it is you want to do

  4. 1.My but in life right now is procastination and inadequate finances to set me in the direction of my dreams.
    2a. My first but is procastination, settled on postponing events that is planned towards my plans for success due to the stress of work.
    b. The second but is inadequate finances due to the people depending on me ,and also the debts incurred while caring for their expenses.
    C. The third reason settles on the fear of debts incurred when venturing into other avenues when trying to build a new business.
    D. The fourth reason is the fear of failing of any business setup due to other people's opinions when it doesnot work as planned.
    E. the last reason is inadequate savings to work towards my planned goals of business setup and venturing into other business avenues.
    3.the best way of overcoming the but is doing what you have planned to do devoid of fear of failing and inculcating the winning mindset.

    1. finances will never be adequate if the streams of income are limited
      If you want to have a better financial outlay, increase your streams of income

  5. 1. Lack of time is a huge but for me.. most times it looks 24 hrs go like 2:40 mins.. so that leads to procrastinating.....

    2. Fear
    Most times the fear of failure becomes a huge but.. people mostly fear what they do not understand... Like darkness...
    I work in a hotel and on my first week my colleagues asked me if I had eaten spaghetti Bolognese.. my head blew... I was like it sounds Spanish they said it's an intercontinental dish.. guess what when I finally saw it, it's spaghetti cooked with vegetables green pepper and chicken pieces. So ignorance of make people use but to cover up.
    3. Myths and handed down stories.
    What we hear overtime has a way of influencing our reasoning, response and reaction to certain issues...
    4. Ambiguity.
    When something a task or assignment looks cumbersome it gives room for refusal or lack of attempt.... That way I would have done it BUT.. when it's simplified or specified buts kinda become very minimal....
    5. Priorities.
    The bible says where your treasure is, that's the hub of your heart.... If you're priorities aren't towards this particular task no matter how important or serious the issue is, you'll always find reasons to give the BUt as to why you didn't do it or will do it later...

    3. Once you see that the BUT is just a diversion, a tower you create and can destroy, we see that it is very insignificant...

    Taking note of the number of times you use the word but.... Trying to drastically cut them down.

    When you also develop a positive mindset, and see things not in a drab dark daunting way, the BUTS will reduce!

    Do have a splendid BUT-FREE weekend....

    1. time management is essential to personal management
      Get the skill and begin to run with it

  6. My but is fear: Fear of the, the outcome of what I am pursuing, what if I didn't reach my goal/target. 2.Reasons buts: i.Lack of focus. ii.lack of commitment. iii.Lack of motivation. iv.Doubt. v.procastination. lack of focus: When people lack focus of what they are pursuing, they are bound to be distracted on the way. Set up your day the night before,do the most difficult things first,eliminate distractions and time wasters, regenerate and keep up your energy. Constantly remind yourself of your ultimate goals. ii.Lack of commitment:Set goals, before you stay committed to your goals, you need to set goals. Revisit it frequently, set routines, stay inspired, look at the big picture, stay accountable, don't burn out,stay on course. iii.Lack of motivation:When you have no motivation to complete a task or even start one. Consider the possible reasons why you're struggling. Then develop a plan to help motivate yourself to get going. Keep in mind that not every strategy works for everyone or in every situation. Perform some behavioral experiments to see which strategies best help you reach your goals. v.Procastination: procrastination is the killer of destiny. Always living the activities of today to next day pose a threat. 3.The best way to overcome the but of life is by been specific. Specifically tells us that in order for a goal to be successful, it must be specific. Goals such as I will do better next time are much too vague and general to motivate us.

    1. The best way to overcome fear is to look it squarely in the face and do that which you are afraid of

  7. My BUT is *to do*
    To get things started. I may have this inertia to get things done

    2. _Lack of will_ .. not willing to initiate things
    _Procrastination:_ keeping things undone and shifting it to a later date
    _Lack of money_ not having the finances to get things done
    _Health challenges_ physical and mental health issues. Depression and loss of enthusiasm
    _Poor knowledge and understanding_ not having enough knowledge base to execute a project

    3. Best way is to be aware of this but and be self determined to overcome them. Get help if need be. Automate and leverage on things and people. Delegate duties. Manage your health,finances and time properly and seek proper knowledge (research well before venturing into something new)

  8. 1. My own BUT is Procrastination: That habit of shifting what could be done now to a later time !

    2. Five reasons for BUT are ;. *Laziness *Ignorance *Procrastination *Fear of criticism or Failure *Lack of Time. *LAZINESS : This is a terrible habit that prevents people from being the best version of themselves. Laziness is a common disease that is responsible for many peoples poor state. *IGNORANCE: This is another factor that makes people not to reach their full potential. Ignorance makes it possible for people not to know that they are wonderfully and powerfully made in God's own image ! *PROCRASTINATION : As I explained earlier on, this a habit that can stand between one and his ideals! *FEAR OF CRITICISM OR FEAR OF FAILURE: One popular saying is that if you want to liked, do nothing and say nothing. Staying on one's comfort zone makes life easy ! Fear of criticism makes people to use the word but so as not to be critised. Likewise, Fear of failure equally make people to give all manner of excuses why they would not do one thing or the other. *LACK OF TIME: Genuinely, some people are so busy due to their nature of work and tight schedule that it's not possible for them to have time for some activities hence their BUT !

    3.The best way to overcome the BUTS of life is to practice BUT MINDFULNESS ! That way, we will be conscious of the reasons adduced for the BUTS thereby avoiding most BUTS that we give knowing that they are mere excuses which prevents us from being our BEST VERSION ! Do enjoy a lovely weekend !!

    1. Intentional mindfulness is an art that should be mastered by all

  9. 1. It depends on the scenario though, but mostly fear of the unknown.

    b.Negative mindset
    d.Lack of confidence
    e.Inferiority complex

    3. It all begins in the mind. When we change our mindset, we are renewed by so much opportunities and possibilities. Having a positive mindsets can do a whole lot.
