Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Between You And The Word Of God

"Don't Give Up - You Have God's Word!" - 2 Chron. 15:7 ...

Between You And The Word Of God

And the Scripture says:

Set a watch oh Lord before my mouth

And keep the door of my lips

The word is very important

What you say about yourself is the word of God to you

If you say you are poor, that is your word and that  becomes the word of God to you
that becomes the word that determines your experience
that becomes the word that determines your expression

If you say you cannot get anywhere
If you say you cannot succeed

if you say you cannot prosper
If you say you were born unlucky
If you say you cannot hold down any money
If you say nothing works for you
If you say that you are born to lose
then those are your words and they also become the word of God to you

If you say you are rich, that is your word and that becomes the word of God to you and that becomes the word that determines both your experience and your expression.

And you're never going get any further in life than the word of God - meaning your word about yourself


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