Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Do This One Thing If You Desire Success

We all, irrespective of our gender or creed or tribe or tongue desire to be successful in whatever we do however we know that there is a big difference between a desire to get something or be something  and actually getting or being that thing.

Whatever desire we have, if it is not backed up with an actionable plan would certainly remain in the realm of desire and cannot be actualized.

And so to achieve our desire and make it a success, we have to put action into the works.

The challenge, therefore, lies in putting action to the works to enable us to achieve our desire and this is because the default setting of our mindset is that of being comfortable even in failure. Our mindsets are stewed and garnished in negativity.

It is the fear mentality that breeds the negativity in us - the fear of failure which suspends us in mid-air when we want to try out something new, the fear of what people will say if we fail, the fear of the embarrassment of failure, the fear of getting marked for life - this fear is very palpable and stops us in our tracks when we want to launch out thus making us dilly dally and procrastinate.

So the bad news is that negativity is an enemy of success - infact it kills success

And here some facts to prove that negativity kills success

1.     Negativity suppresses your prefrontal cortex,
which is critical for creativity, decision-making and seeing solutions rather than just problems.

2.     Negativity creates chronic stress, which causes inflammation throughout the body and can lead to disease.
When you are battling health problems, it's hard to focus on anything, let alone the pursuit of success.

3.     Negativity can make you a toxic person. A toxic person is a pessimist and is never a good company any day except in the company of other pessimists

4.     Negativity rubs off even on your mode of dressing, the way you talk and even the way you walk.
This will surely make people avoid you like the bubonic plague

5.     Negativity keeps you secluded in your own World. And as you know, no man is an island.
So, if you earnestly desire success, there's just one thing to do - kill negativity and take a quantum jump over to positivity

By so doing, you would  make it possible for you to succeed.

In the next post, I shall let you know the actions to take in the positivity arena that would take you to your success.


  1. If any man or woman for that matter desires success, they must as a matter of urgent personal interest and importance KILL NEGATIVITY.
    Negativity is the default setting of our minds and if we don't change it, then we are doomed to be consigned to the list of those who came, who did not see and who did not conquer

  2. 1. I will retitle the article "Living above Negativity" !

    2.Ten ways by which Negativity can be overcome if anyone desires Success are :
    *Be a proactive person.

    *Always have Actionable Plan.

    *Avoid Day-Dreaming Lifestyle.

    *Having Positive Attitude to Life.

    *Being Optimistic in Life.

    *Living a Courageous Life.

    *Live above fear.

    *Avoiding Stress & Managing it well when it is present.

    *Adopting Healthy Lifestyle.

    *Keeping Good Company and avoiding Toxic or Perssimistic person's.

    *Moving out of Comfort Zones.

    Being a proctive person will help one to overcome negativity by being someone who does the talking.

    Being someone who always has plans and follows it up can help one to overcome negativity.

    Aristotle said that we become what we do or think. Day dreaming will always make one to be negative because everything ends in dreams. Thus avoiding Day-Dreaming Lifestyle will help one to overcome negativity.

    Having a positive attitude to life is the ANTIDOTE to Negativity.

    Optimistic lifestylebis a way and adopting it will help one overcome negativity.

    Courage is synonymous with success because the person is not afraid to dare thus overcoming negativity.

    It's the fear mentality that breeds the negativity in humans. Living above fear helps one to overcome negativity.

    Avoiding unnecessary stress in all it's forms helps one overcome negativity. Like wise adopting a Lifestyle of managing stressed well since life involves stress.

    A man that adopts a healthy lifestyle will always overcome negativity because the peace that comes with it is an ANTIDOTE on its own.

    Birds of the same feather flocks together thus avoiding negative company will help one overcome negativity

  3. The suppressing effect of negativity.

    1). Daily negative thought time. It's normal to have negative thoughts that's why we are humans but not allowing them to take over us is the ultimate goal. So when it comes, ones is good to study them and know the pattern so as to conquer them.
    2). Replace the negative thoughts- Most times, it's difficult to get ride of negative thoughts but it can be conquered when they are replaced with positive ones. This is always domineering when we make it a habit to conquer negative thoughts with replacement. We achieve this more when we actually articulate all we needed to become and focus on them strictly.
    3). Be a friend to yourself- Always remain motivated to go on and do new things notwithstanding the odd challenges which will always come.
    4). Establish new habits- Write down negative thoughts when they come, make it a pattern not to think about it and create good drive towards everything that doesn't give you stress as at the time of negativity.
    5). Surround yourself with positive people - Sometimes, station people with positive vibes even comic who you can resort to when this hydraheaded monster rears up.
    6).Smile--One can force himself before a mirror and smile not minding the circumstances. Those grin looks can always change mood and stress.
    7). Help someone and be grateful always; You can decide to help people who are in need, seriously, the relief that comes from there is scintillating. Being grateful is another virtue that can throw an aura of freshness on someone's personality.
    8). Sing-- One can boost his mood via songs. It transmits a lot of electrons that can be so magnetic and energetic.
    9). Avoid early morning news- some news can be very negative. Once you come in contact with such news, it tends to convert your mood. This may leave one to struggle all day.
    10). Read positive quotes--This is rather a better antidote. It is soul refreshing all the time.
    "Watch your thoughts, they become words.
    Watch your words, they become actions.
    Watch your actions, they become habits.
    Watch your habits, they become your character.
    Watch your character, it becomes your destiny".

    Happy positive thinking!


  4. Chinwe Ekwedike

    .I will re-title this article as"Success must be worked for

    2.10 ways by which negativity can be overcome if anyone desire success are ad follows:

    1Try movement and meditation

    2.Make conscious effort to find things to love, like and appreciate

    3.Use Affirmations

    4.Ask yourself some tough Questions

    5.Develop your success Routine

    6.Focus on gratitude

    7.Channel those thoughts into something constructive

    8.Have a daily Negative Thought Time

    9.Write instead of think

    10.Establish New Habits

    1.Try movement and meditation
    To get out of your head, get into your body. A few minutes of deliberate breath work (seated 10- 15 minutes meditation)or body movement (like yoga class)can disrupt those thinking patterns. To get out of your head,move more,feel more.

    2.Make conscious effort to find things to love, like and appreciate.
    Instead of fighting negative thoughts consciously reach for better feeling thoughts. One powerful ways to do that is to speak (out loud if you can)to what you love,like and appreciate. Heading into a tough talk? I love the way the coffee tastes today, I like the way this chair feels at the back.I appreciate the chance for process ideas with my teams." Reach out for the relief, and you 'all find it.

    3.Use Affirmations
    When you wake up,open your eyes and feel gratitude for the new day.Write down daily Affirmation" I love the people I work with " make positive contributions everyday.

    4.Ask yourself some tough Questions
    Reflect on your answers to the tough questions. Example, What do I get from having negative thought patterns, what benefits would I receive from engaging in positive thought?

    5.Develop your success routine
    "Quantum programming " It involves taking time each morning as you wake to mediate and focus on the person you want to be and the quality of life you want to live. You also set a few important goals to keep your momentum building towards your dreams. When you know what you want and are driving at it daily, negativity will fade

    6.focus on gratitude
    Gratitude is underrated by most but is essential to a happy life. Life doesn't get easier but we become stronger as we reframe difficulties by recognizing all of the little good things going on around us.Keep a good list and refer to it daily. Also focus on what you really want and be very specific, positive mind will attract what it is seeking over time.

    7.channel those thoughts into something constructive
    Negative thought pattern can easily take over but a fantastic and constructive tricks is to identify what the negative pattern is a project you 're excited about. Then consciously commit to this .Every time you find yourself focusing on the negative, refocus your thoughts for five minutes on your exciting project.

    8.Have a daily Negative Thought Time
    A paradoxical strategy to gain control over negative thinking is to commit 10 minutes a day ruminating and reviewing then over and over again. NEGATIVE THOUGHT TIME ( NTT)must be 10minutes and must be everyday. When you have a negative thought during the day,not it down, and tell yourself that you ' all review them during NTT.Overtime,you will gain control and negative thinking will stop.

    9.Write instead of think
    Write down why the negative thought is present. Writing verses thinking helps purge he thought out,and when you can see the words on paper or on a screen it is easier to make sense of it and move forward.

    10.Establish New Habits
    Rather than thinking of it in terms of overcoming negative thought patterns,think of it in terms of establishing new habits. You do that by directing your attention to subjects where there's nothing to" overcome" subjects that you already feel good about it, and there therefore think positively about. That could be your pet,your painted toe,nails,being outside, the beach and start with something easy.

  5. Morgan Oscar

    1. Negativity and it's harmful effects

    2. Success is relative, and so I will be listing a few points which can help you gain success in whatever area you desire
    *Conquer fear:* Never let fear grow in your heart; because this is the number cause of negative thoughts.
    *Believe in your abilities:* Always understand that you are the you that can ever exist and so instead of doubting you can do it, believe that you have done it already.
    *Never accept failure:* Never see yourself a failure instead see yourself as a work in progress; almost ready for exploits
    *Always be happy:* Sad feelings are the greatest doorways for negative feelings inside our head, so never let anything get you to the point where you are sad and you begin to welcome all sorts of weird thoughts.
    *Be open to new ideas:* You are not an island of knowledge so dwelling on your thoughts which will eventually become obsolete sooner or later, embrace new ways, be in the now, because backwardness has a way of draining us of positivity.
    *choose your friends:* Never settle with friends who always view life from a negative or pessimistic point of view.
    *Take risks:* Fear many times prevents us from taking risks; once in a while take wise risks and go out of your comfort zone, it has a way to drain us of negative thoughts and helps us see life in all ways possible.
    *Exercise:* Taking yoga classes helps to drain our minds off negative mindsets.
    *Food and rest:* Adequate balanced nutrition and sleep are two good ways to relax the brain. When the brain and mind is relaxed, it is open for different thoughts and it helps you filter bad thoughts
    *Your spare time:* Instead of engaging in pointless arguments, enrich your mind with good books, listen to people that inspire you to do great in any thing you so desire.
