Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Own Your Time

Welcome back

Like I said earlier, today I am looking at the topic 
Own Your Time

And I just want to start with a question

How long do you think you have to live on Planet Earth?

I am sure you may have a religious answer to that question but definitely not a realistic one because no one, not even Nostradamus can actually say how long anyone can live on earth.

Our time here is limited, very limited and very short
How long are 70 years compared to a millennium?
How long are 80 years compared to a millennium?

or even 100 years or even 120 years (that is if anyone ever lives to be 120 in these present times)

So our time is short and limited

One of the biggest challenges we have in life especially when it comes to making important decisions that will rocket us into the sky is GETTING STARTED.

We analyze too much
We dilly dally
We procrastinate
We rationalize
We wait for the right time, for the right moment
We wait for signs from the Stars
We use the word SOON too much
We use the word TOMORROW too frequently
We postpone for tomorrow that which we can comfortably do today
We do everything within our power to shift that decision that we need to make which is getting started

We behave as if we have all the time in the world
as if Mother Nature will keep the hands of the clock still just for our sakes

And we forget that time and tide wait for no one, that time is a perishable commodity and can never be called back once lost
We also forget that the more we wait the more we lose momentum

We fail to remember that soon never comes
We also fail to remember that tomorrow does not belong to us and may never come

We fail to realize that all we have are the seconds that are ticking away as we inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide and that we can actually make the most of the seconds and minutes in our day by taking ownership of our time

We must remember that the time we have on our hands would leave us whether we use it or not and the best option is not to allow it to go to waste.

So instead of burning time doing nothing,  let's build in activities into the day that will give us the opportunity to be good to someone who really needs it

Instead of gossiping and killing people with our tongues behind their backs, let's rather use our tongues to pray that God continues to shield and protect us from all the raving and roving exotic diseases flying around

Whatever it is you have to do to move yourself forward, stop prevaricating, stop procrastinating, stop rationalizing, stop making too many motions with no movement, stop making too much analysis that will lead to paralysis, just do it NOW

Now is what matters most and any minute lost can never be regained

Take control of your time
Take ownership of your time
Don't allow another to spend your time for you by engaging you in meaningless and unproductive chatter

Make every second count, by so doing, you would make every minute count and every hour to also count

Your time is yours, use it effectively
Max it out each day, satisfied that you have done your best for that day

Dr. Jerry - the First


  1. Time is a very perishable commodity and ought not be wasted
    make effective use of your time so that you do not have regrets at the end

  2. Time is precious..
    Really inspirational.

    1. Thanks a lot #Danny for visiting our Blog and recognizing
      our efforts to motivate and inspire persons out there to be better versions of their old selves
      We hope you'd come back again and again

  3. Thanks a lot for visiting our blog and for the motivating comment you dropped here. Even a Motivator needs to be motivated
    And you have a big business on your hands
    Keep it up
