Sunday, September 20, 2020

The Truth - 49


The Truth - 49


The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth


For over many Centuries but more these days, everyone has always blamed someone else for their problems and challenges.

It is popularly called the BLAME GAME and how we love to revel in it.

Sure, times have always been tough. There have always been the haves and the have-nots, the rich and the poor, the made and the yet- to - be- made but at the moment, just as it was in 1918, the toughness of these times is largely due to the corona virus pandemic.

While it’s easy to place the blame for economic inequality on the wealthy or the government, they’re not the real culprits.

Part of the issue stems from the fact we have a broken educational system where very little is taught in schools about financial literacy.

And so many persons including even those who earn large sums of money do not know a thing about money management and thus get financially broke quickly.

But even then, blaming others isn’t going to do anything to help anyone reach their  breakthrough be it in wealth or health or love or happiness - just name it.

What will help anyone reach their breakthrough is to take control of their situation and holding themselves  accountable for their choices and actions.

Now that is *The Truth, the WHOLE Truth and nothing but the Truth*

--------------------------Jerry -the First

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  1. Whoever wants to make progress in life should learn to take responsibility for their actions inactions and stop the blame game

  2. Financial literacy and being accountable for one's actions have a way of promoting wealth management and taking responsibility for all actions one has to undertake. Thank you for sharing
