Monday, September 21, 2020

The Truth - 50


The Truth - 50



The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth


There's no gain saying the fact that these are times of anomie.

The negatives seem to overwhelm the positives

Millions of World Citizens are having very horrible experiences due to the pandemic.

Nobody and I mean nobody not even the seers and Visioner saw the coming of Corona Virus and its attendant consequences on personal and world economies.

The world is shifting faster than ever before and the financial system of many citizens has either collapsed or about to collapse.

But no matter how many messages of doom and gloom come our way on daily basis, we cannot allow that to weigh us down.

In as much as we don't have to bury our heads in the sand like the Ostrich pretending that nothing is happening but we also should not carry all the burden of the World on our heads and get weighed  down by them all

This season should help us to realize that the old system has failed and can no longer be relied upon.  

The World is changing, a new economy with new challenges and new opportunities is on stream.  

Learn the much you can about the new economy and seek to be an uptaker.

Now that is The Truth, the WHOLE Truth and nothing but the Truth

--------------------------Jerry -the First

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  1. The world has changed indeed with the Advent of COVID-19. Every aspect of the world has changed direction and we all need to follow it so that we won't be left behind. Thanks for calling us to the notice. Semiyu Olagolden

  2. No matter how rough and tough things can be now, there's always a silver lining on a dark cloud. No condition lasts a life time. Things would surely change for the better and it might be sooner than we expect

  3. The world has changed and still changing, opportunities still exist in spite of corona virus pandemic.
