Wednesday, August 19, 2020

The Truth - 27


The Truth - 27


The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth


Our life's default setting goes like this - go to School, swot and get the best of grades, graduate with a high class, obtain a certificate, then pick up a well paid job in a good Company, settle down with a wife or husband, bring children into the world in response to God's marching order - "Go ye and multiply", work for 35 years, while working, ensure that you accumulate enough wealth for your retirement, then finally retire and start enjoying life!


This default setting has put all of us in the rat-race; everyone racing to meet up with his or her own timelines. It has also brought a lot of casualties on the way and thus making us qualify people as failures or successful when ordinarily, we are all on a different route to the same destination.

However, my take today on this matter is about working for 35 years, then retiring to a life of comfort and pleasure. This has proven to be more of a mirage than the real deal. I can count on my fingers how many persons get to the retirement age, actually retire and then start "enjoying life" from their accumulated retirement savings. But what pains one the moist is that even with all the glee and glamour attached to that part of the default setting, quite a number of persons work their fingers off to earn money and be able to save for their retirement only to retire and within one year, answer the eternal call.

Does it make sense that when a man is about to reap the rewards of his hard labour, death comes knocking on his door? and that door must be opened whether he likes it or not!

This knowledge should change the narrative especially for those who are still working and saving up for the rainy day - save by all means BUT do not postpone living to the time when you shall retire for no one can say when the eternal call shall come.

While trying to make a living, also LIVE

Now, that is the Truth, the WHOLE Truth and nothing but the Truth

----------------------------Jerry -the First

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  1. Our educational system have to change in other to accommodate those that couldn't get a good grade talk more of being able to get a good paying job. As the issue if savings and retiring later to enjoy, the troubles of life a times does not give most people the opportunity to enjoy life talk of saving for retirement as the case maybe. The retirement plan should also be flexible so that people won't be under too much pressure to save amd end up not enjoying while they are still alive.

    1. Great insight Ebuka
      It was nice reading this contribution from you
      People can actually take their destiny into their own hands
