Tuesday, August 18, 2020

The Truth - 26


The Truth - 26


*The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth*


When I was a young boy, filled with all my dreams of conquering the World, I used to wonder why most of the Adults I met were in one form of lack or the other.

When I saw a woman sitting on the streets with her child by her side and begging for alms, I used to ask myself,, why life would be so wicked as to allow a Mother to suffer her child for lack of resources.

And then I became an Adult and suddenly the meaning of all those things dawned on me. And it became clear to me too the saying that - "however we make our bed, so shall we lie in it" which means that whatever choice a man makes, that is what will follow him for life. If he made good choices, he sure would reap good rewards and if he made bad choices, he also would read bad rewards.

I also noticed that one can change one's choice along the way since it is not cast in reinforced concrete.

If things have not worked the way you expected them, take a look at the choices you made and currently making and do a swap.

It is never too late to go for the broke!!

Now, that is  *the Truth, the WHOLE Truth and nothing but the Truth*

 --------------------------Jerry -the First

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  1. It has always been the choices we that we make. Good choice attracts joy while a bad one attracts suffering. Choices!!!

    1. Life is all about choices
      And every man must make conscious efforts to make good choices
