Thursday, August 20, 2020

The Truth - 28


The Truth - 28


The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth


How many times have you had to postpone what you wanted to do just because you did not have the time to do it?

I bet your answer would be - many times

But do you know that we own time and that time does not own us?

What do I mean?

Time is a perishable commodity in our hands and the way we use it determines the height  we are likely to ascend to.

When you postpone for tomorrow what you can do today, all you are saying is that whatever it is does not constitute a priority item to you. Because if it does, you definitely will find the time to do it no matter how busy you may be.

Postponing for tomorrow that which can be done today is called PROCRASTINATION. I am sure it is not a new word to you. We are guilty of it in one form or the other and it is popularly said that procrastination is a destiny destroyer, meaning that those who constantly procrastinate would take forever to arrive at where they want to be (i.e. if they arrive at all)

We all need to live in the mindset of NOW, the mindset that demands that things be done just when they are thought of, in order not to delay them.

Psychologists and Social Scientists have found a cure for procrastination. It is encapsulated in the acronym - DIN

It has been shown that applying DIN on daily basis has reduced procrastination rates to less than 10% for those who were ardent procrastinators.

And DIN stands for DO IT NOW.

Now, that is the Truth, the WHOLE Truth and nothing but the Truth

 ----------------------------Jerry -the First

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  1. Procrastination is that evil that keeps robbing us of greatness. Thanks for this Doc

    1. Procrastination is a lazy man's apology and in this day and age, it should be discarded

  2. Replies
    1. DIN - that is my mantra and it has helped me several times over

  3. The consequences of procrastination can never be avoided, it will continue to eat deep down no matter how we want to avoid it. Procrastination is bad I must say. Do It Now (DIN), I like that acronym.
