Tuesday, October 27, 2020

The Truth - 65


The Truth - 65



The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth

Here's a thought for the day:

“what would I do if I was ten times bolder?”

It’s a question I’ve used a few times in my life since I read it in a book given to me when I was a teenager called - The Magic of Thinking Big - by David Schwartz (a cheesy book for 1960's American travelling salesmen........ah well!)

It enables me to drown out that little voice in my head, which  tries to hold me back from making decisions that might involve a bit of risk.

That 'little voice' is anxiety, or self-doubt. 

We all have it, to a greater or lesser degree, because it’s pre-programmed into us at birth, and reinforced as we grow up.

It’s there for good reason - to keep us safe; handy if you're walking through a dark jungle full of sabre tooth tigers, but not so useful if you just want to go camping in The Lake District.

But it's also why so many of us never realize anything like our full potential. Because we often decide that we won't be able to do something before we even try.

So what happens when I have a decision to make and ask myself the question “what would I do if I was ten times bolder?”.

I often get back an unexpected answer.

"Just do it" and "do it now"

But this is the answer you should adopt (unless it involves punching someone, especially if they're bigger than you).

It’s a simple strategy, and it doesn't always work, I'll admit that, but it works more often than not, and I’ve never regretted using it.

It's enabled me to achieve a few things in my life that I would otherwise have been too scared to attempt; such as leaving everything I built up over many years to go back to Medical School to study Medicine, knowing that I was going to be my own sponsor - (it was scary but I did it and I have never regretted doing it); such as proposing  to my wife when she was eventually revealed to me (which was one of the best decisions I have ever made because I don't know how I would have been smelling by now if I was not married to her).

It also enabled me to put my feet down and say No to injustice even though it cost me lots

So there it is. You have the thought. I’ve planted the seed, It’s in your head, and you won't be able to forget it now.

I hope it brings you joy and success.

So when next you have a decision to make and it appears to be too scary, just ask yourself that question - "What would I do if I was ten times bolder" take the answer - "just do it" and run with it

Now that is *The Truth, the WHOLE Truth and nothing but the Truth*

--------------------------Jerry -the First

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  1. Do not be scared of making that move. Go for it, grab it and move on. Thank you for sharing.
