Wednesday, September 16, 2020

The Truth - 47


The Truth - 47



The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth


He had what he thought was a small misunderstanding with his girl friend of 2 years, but to her, it was a big deal.

For one whole week, she refused to pick his calls and he called more than 100 times. She refused to see him even when he visited her house.

At the end of that week, he decided that he was going to propose to her and make her his wife eventually.

So he put a call to her, another call he thought to himself but to his amazement, she answered and he invited her out for dinner (he hoped to propose to her there). She was to meet him at the Restaurant

30 minutes to the dinner time,  he left his office to be able to beat the traffic and in his hurry, he forgot his cell phone. Yet he met the stand-still hold up and since he was locked into the traffic, there was no escaping it.

Finally after 50 minutes of snail-crawling through the traffic, he emerged on the free lane and as he was about to speed off, the engine of the car coughed and died, he was helped to push it to the sideline. When the bonnet was opened, it turned out that the engine was doing overheating, in his frustration, he opened the radiator and the steam sprang out of there and splashed dirty water all over this suit, his white shirt and his face.  By this time, he was 1 hour behind time.

Meanwhile the Lady arrived the Restaurant on the dot of time and took a seat to wait for him. She called his number several times, it rang same number of times but was not picked; she sent a number of text messages to which there were no responses. She dropped voice notes on whatsapp and text messages too but no response even though he was supposedly on line.

Seeing that there was nothing he could do about the car as at the time, since it has to be left to cool down, he wound up the windows, locked the car and took a taxi to the Restaurant. As he made to enter, the Security man told him that he could not enter like that and asked him to go to the Gents' to at least wash his face before entering; all his pleas that he wanted his girl friend to see him like that so that she could believe him fell on deaf ears. So he had no choice but to comply with the Security man's orders and just as he was coming out from the Gents;  he saw his girl friend's car departing the Restaurant. He ran towards it, shouting and waving but apparently she did not notice him. He then asked a taxi waiting there to follow her but somewhere along they lost her, He then asked the taxi driver to take him to where he packed his car, by this time he had  spent 2 hours and a half.

By the time he came back to where his car was parked, he noticed that the four tyres were gone. Some smart alecs had helped themselves to his brand new tyres. He was lost for words.  He could not understand how everything had gone wrong in the past 3 hours. Was that a sign from God or what?

Anyways, sign or no sign, it is noted that when it rains, it doesn't just rain, it pours which means that when trouble comes, it comes in droves.

Now that is *The Truth, the WHOLE Truth and nothing but the Truth*

--------------------------Jerry -the First

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  1. Very enough, anyway such is life and all its troubles. How i wish I can see the end of the story. Thank you for sharing sir

    1. Such is life indeed #Chukwuebuka
      it swings high and the swings low
