Monday, August 31, 2020

The Truth - 35


The Truth - 35



*The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth*


What do you know about the dead sea?

As the name goes, the dead sea is literally dead! and this is due to the fact that - though a sea, but it is not in communication with any other body of waters apart from the Jordan River which brings in water into the sea but since there is no outlet, and since nature abhors a vacuum, the water in the sea can only communicate with the external environment by way of evaporation.

This evaporation reduces the water content in the sea while leaving the salt content in very high concentration. Its salt concentration is a staggering 33.7%, 8.6 times saltier than ocean water, which is only about 3.5% salt.

And because of the high salt content of the dead sea, no life can survive there - not animals, not plants, not fishes, not birds - not anything that takes in oxygen and gives out carbon dioxide.

The stones at the water's edge encrusted in salt are a good clue in that department. As a result, the Sea is famous for its body buoyancy properties, as people who take an exploratory dip generally find themselves riding high on its waters - instead of swimming, they float!

The Dead Sea is also the lowest point on earth, and getting lower every year, as water that would ordinarily fill it by flowing in from the Jordan River has been diverted to quench the thirst of Israel, Jordan, and Palestine.

That said, but the import of this message is to let you know and understand that the dead sea is in this way because it continually receives (from the River Jordan) but does not give out.

Applying that to our humanity, we could describe that kind of relationship as parasitic - a situation where one continually receives or takes from another but is unwilling to give or reciprocate.

It is stated that giving moves the Hands of the Creator and the Good Book also states that "God loves a cheerful giver".

Yes, even though Musicians have sang that both the hands that give and the ones that receive are blessed but the Good Book says that "it is more blessed to give than to receive" and it also says that "he who waters shall be watered too"

A quote from Francis of Assisi said, “It’s through giving that we receive.”

Are you in  a relationship where-in all you do is to take and not give back?

This is a clarion call to you this day to change that selfish parasitic habit for the better.

Our lives will be maximized if we choose to be a giver of life — in our words and in our deeds.

Now, that is  *the Truth, the WHOLE Truth and nothing but the Truth*

--------------------------Jerry -the First

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  1. It pays to give even when you think it's not working. Let's keep on giving.
