Saturday, July 25, 2020

The Truth - 9

The Truth - 9


*The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth*

The air we breathe is free for everyone irrespective of their colour, creed, gender, political inclination and other entitlements

Same thing for the Sun that shines in the day for everyone, the Moon that also shines in the night for everyone.

When the rain falls, it falls for everyone in the same area

Also the seasons are not discriminatory, when it is winter, it is winter for all and when it is summer, it is summer for all

Mother Nature is very liberal with her free gifts for the good health and expansive living of her Children


We her Children want everything for ourselves only

If we can buy air, we surely would do that so that we shall be the only survivors on earth

If we can stop the Sun from shinning in certain parts of the Land, we surely would want to do that

If we are in a position to make the rain fall only in our Compounds, it would be a desirable thing to do.

Man is a very selfish being and is never ever satiated; always reaching out to grab more, even when he has no use for it.

A life lived selfishly is not worth writing about.

Now, that is  *the Truth, the WHOLE Truth and nothing but the Truth*

--------------------------------Jerry -the First

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