Monday, July 27, 2020

The Truth - 10

The Truth - 10


*The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth*


From 1902 - 1909, Albert Einstein worked at a patent office.

During this time, he developed the theory that changed the world - the theory of relativity.

He later said if he weren’t working at such a mind-numbing job at a patent office, he probably never would’ve come up with the theory.

The thing is, his job was so boring and didn’t involve thinking, that he could let his mind focus on other stuff.

Now, why am I telling you this?

Because today you might be in the same exact position that Einstein was - working a job where your intellect is not called into play - just pushing files and doing other mundane assignments

So, what are you doing with that time in your hands even as you work at your job?

Gossip? (favourite hobby),

watch television?,


whine? use your costly android phone to continue pinging and chatting?

The answer is yours of course BUT I would like to advise you to use your time to be creative - you may not be Einstein to make an earth shattering invention.

By yourself, there are lots of things you can invent - no matter how small.

They may be in the areas of relationship, or home keeping or marriage or parenting or schooling or education or medical treatment or transportation or housing - the list goes on

You can even reinvent yourself and be a shining example for others to follow

Now, that is  *the Truth, the WHOLE Truth and nothing but the Truth*

-------------------Jerry -the First

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  1. Very inspiring and insightful

    1. Thanks Fidelis for visiting our Blog and for your encouraging comment>
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