Wednesday, July 22, 2020

The Truth - 6

*The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth*

The other day I was having an online conversation with one of my new contacts.

After he had introduced himself as a graduate of Political Science, I now asked him what his business was?

He replied that he is a Political Scientist

I said I have no doubt about that because that is the course he studied in a Higher Institution BUT that is not his business

His course of study is not his business - I told him so

He appeared confused and so I explained that what a man studied does not necessarily translate to his business.

Some persons can be forced by circumstances beyond their control to study a course way out of what they have passion for and if they go ahead to pick a job in that sphere of study, they would be frustrated.

Your business is that one in which you find maximum satisfaction in doing it and it is different from whatever calling you inherently have or whatever calling you have called yourself into.

Now, that is  *the Truth, the WHOLE Truth and nothing but the Truth*

------------------------------Jerry -the First

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