Monday, July 13, 2020

Be Positive Always No Matter What

15 Uplifting Quotes for Positive Vibes | SUCCESS

Hello Friend

I know the World is really a messed up place right now with the corona virus pandemic claiming lives daily and people waking up every day and not knowing whether it will be their last - what with the mass shootings, the mass murders, the serial kidnappings, the tortures, the gang rapes and all that  as if lives no longer matter

Yea we are really in for the long thing since bad and negative news has become our daily diet whether we want to eat it or not BUT I want to let you know that irrespective of the negativity around and about us, you can still make a choice to remain positively minded and focused and to do that I'd like to show you 3 positive thinking tips that will greatly improve your
perspective and help you deal with negative thoughts

1) Have The Unconquerable Mindset.

Affirm to yourself, "Here I am, and I am here to stay, World, do your worst!"

It may sound like you're inviting bad luck, but what this really means is that you're welcoming life's challenges with open arms and are willing to bravely take them on.

Like a proud sentinel in a storm, you stand firm against anything flung at you.

And no matter how muddied and besieged you emerge from the battle, you emerge nonetheless, ever ready to fight and live
another day.

2) Do A Good Deed.

One thing that can open you up to positivity is doing good things.

If you find a needy person asking for help, be a good World Citizen.

Not only will you feel better, you'll also have more reason to believe that life is not that bad.

If there are people who are willing to do good without asking for anything in return, then this
planet would a much better place.

"I did good today" is one mantra that never fails to lift up your spirits.

And doing good does not have to be all about giving out money or buying gift items or buying food for hungry people, it could be just a simple smile to lift the spirit of one who is depressed, it could be helping that grand dad or grand ma cross the busy road, it could be helping that lost kid to locate his family - quite a number of small acts to help out humanity and this is the reason it is said that "no one is without something to give"

3) Be Around Positive Thinkers.

The company you surround yourself with can more or less affect you the way you look at life.

If your friends see the world in a dark and twisted perspective, you shouldn't be surprised to find yourself feeling depressed more often than not.

Jim Rohn captured it aptly when he said that "you are the average of 5 persons you spend the most time with"

If your friends are all whiners, complainers, whisperers,  gossips - would it be surprising to find you swimming in that same ocean too?
Even the very Good Book says - "show me your friends and I will tell you who you are"

Keep away from negative people and hang out with the positive ones.

Let the latter group influence you with their ways.

It's easier to remain positive when the people around you support your point of view.

Choose your friends wisely and turn a new page in your life.

That's it for today
I'll see you again in the next mail

Have a great day

Remember to remain positive always despite the conditions and circumstances around you


Dr. Jerry - the First Oguzie: JP


  1. The boost of the day is here again. Always sparkling with effervescence. Apt to say the least.

    One situation that has overwhelmed me has been when I lost my first job with the ministry of health, IMO State. At first, I feigned the situation that it doesn't matter but it mattered after all. How? Immediately I got the job,I got married to my long date, six months after the marriage, I lost the job. The major thing that lures me into the marriage was the job. I hoped and planned to build a decent future from there but hey, it was shattered at a snap. This exposed me to the vulnerability of terrible life. I became helpless and resorted to survival means which was had to come until the situation turned me into a a search to end it. So I got connected to series of positive ways of making smart and decent money till date. That quest is what is still driving me to this point. Here we are in the COMMUNITY OF WEALTH CREATORS.

    Unconquerable mindset is aptly explained in this blog post. I can never go down is just the write sentence to bury the tantrums that emanates on daily basis. To be sincere, no day passes without challenges. When one throws in when life has not ended, it's simply a definition of one being a coward and not ready for the fight. Since the time of John the Baptist, the kingdom of God suffers violence, and the violent take it by force.

    Thanks for the blog post. So have a great weekend.

    1. The mindset of a champion is an unconquerable mindset
      It doesn't yield itself to subjugation by the elements

  2. 1. Before the pandemic I and my team had pitched a proposal to the Ugandan government to do a film in honor of their king who is a strong historic and political figure in their nation, we began talks but the pandemic set in and we didn't hear from them. I felt so bad and depressed because of the efforts countless meetings at the embassy and all cos we were actually waiting for an invite to see the president in Uganda and finalize, Coupled with the uncertainty the pandemic brought but gradually we got back to our feet again.

    I was so frustrated thinking the pandemic was the end but hope helped us back up.

    2. Having an unconquerable mindset simply means not being easily broken by happenings around you. This mindset keeps you going for life itself has its vicissitudes (ups and downs) we fall, we rise to do better... Things fail, we go back to the drawing board and replan.


    1. When we find ourselves doing that which we thought was IMPOSSIBLE then we would have come to the full realization that with an unconquerable mindset, nothing can be impossible

  3. 1. In April of 2019, I visited an African country that I will not mention it's name for a security reason. When the aircraft I boarded landed, we used a boat to cross a very long river to the town. We were about twenty people in the boat that was air-conditioned. I was given a wonderful treat being the first time I visited the said country. On the day I was to return to Nigeria, I missed the 10 o'clock boat to the airport. The next boat would be by 2pm.Meanwhile,my flight to Nigeria was scheduled the same 2pm. I was scared of missing my flight to Nigeria thus ended up chattering a small boat that would convey just two people with the assistance of my host. Meanwhile my international passport had a valid United States Visa on it and I was billed to travel to California but the July of the same year. While right in the middle of the river or should I even call it ocean, one of the engines failed ! All manners of thought zig-zagged my mind. I was terrified to my bone marrow.kI quickly opened my brief case and pocketed my international passport. My thinking was that should the boat capsize, I would fight for my escape with the international passport. Luckily the other engine carried us safely to the airport. But to be honest I was overwhelmed with negative thoughts throughout the voyage until I disembarked from the boat.As soon as I landed with my feet, I asked the the driver and the life guard to wait for a minute. I put my hand into my pocket and gave them some money for their bravery throughout the period we were in the river. I would never forget that day in my life. 2. To have an UNCONQUERABLE MINDSET is to have a mindset that that doesn't surrender to challenges or obstacles no matter what the circumstances are. It also means to have a never die spirit !

    1. It's only the person who DARES consistently that eventually becomes the winner

  4. I was practically overwhelmed with negative thoughts when I was about to retire on attainment of age 60.i could say I was just minding my work without really caring about my finances since I felt I was going to receive a pension. However, we were being prepared for retirement, my eyes opened and I went to check my accrual to discover that it was just mere pittance. I fell into all kinds of negative thoughts. Was this the life I had planned for? How did I do this to myself? I enjoyed my job as an admin officer but was that enough to subjugate myself to a life time of uncertainty and insufficiency at old age? I felt as if I was going back to my family empty handed after denying them of my companionship for 18 years. It took God to help me see other things I could do for myself. It was a terrible time for me cos I felt when I went to have my first baby whom I lost at birth and had to go home to the hospital empty handed.

    2.To have an unconquerable mindset is to have one that is unflinching on the face of challenges but rather takes them on with equanimity

    1. Great
      Good to read that you have conquered the negativities
      Be blessed

  5. 1. One of the experiences that i had that I was overwhelmed by negative thoughts was years ago when I was diagnosed with polycystic ovarian cyst I became depressed, then eventually I conquered my negativity became positive and became well again.
    2. What it means to have an unconquerable mindset is that mindset that stands unopposed, never beaten down in the face of challenges /obstacles. It sees obstacles as Stepping Stones to new Heights and sees solution in every challenge.

    Enekwechi Adaeze Faith.

  6. In 2013, I was posted to nasarawa state for my Nysa and as at the time I was to report in camp my statement of result with some others wasn’t signed and we were told that the deputy registrar traveled and will be back the next day( once you are going for Nysc you have three days to report else you will not be among that batch), and by this time 2 days had passed so many thoughts keeps coming to me but the man showed up on the third day, the result was signed and I left immediately to Nasarawa state and got to the camp by 30mins before the stipulated 12 midnight.
    2)To have an unconquerable mindset means that one does not succumb to challenges rather takes it willingly and brave up to take them. It also means that you are ever ready to fight and live another day.
