I just finished watching a documentary on the 700 Club about
a 12 year old boy
He was born with congenital deformity of both upper limbs so
he has no arms or hands or fingers.
He was thrown away at birth and left to die because the
culture of the land is that such a child is evil, but he was rescued and
adopted by a caring family.
But through the love of his adopted family and the grace of
God, this young boy has grown to be 12 years old and has excelled in the use of
his feet and toes as hands and fingers. He writes with his toes, types on the
computer keyboard with them, he plays the guitar with them and hi-fives with
them, he eats with them and never a dull moment with him.
He believes that “there is form in deformity” and is living
the talk “where there is a will, there shall surely be a way”
This story really brought tears to my eyes
The tears did not come from my eyes because of him (I really
thank God for such a life) but because of those of us who even though
physically able but yet psychologically handicapped to do things for ourselves.
Quite a number of adults have continued to blame their
parents for the failures of their lives (forgetting that when a man has turned out
to be 18 years of age, he becomes directly responsibly for how his life turns
out to be). They have refused to help themselves because their parents did not
do the needful, give them the basis for living.
Can you believe that someone who was fortunate enough to
acquire a degree from a reputable Higher Institution is still searching for “job”
3 years post NYSC? All because he was brought up to believe that he cannot do
anything for himself unless someone buys his brain and pays him peanuts!!!!
Is it not amazing that someone is looking for “job” and when
you suggest that he goes into farming or buying and selling or network
business, he replies “I don’t know how to do that” or “I cannot do it” all he thinks
he knows how to do is to carry file from one office to the other and answer “Sir”
to his mate!!!!
People, it is time to do a rethink
Time to make a shift from the traditional belief of “good job
after school” to that of the now “no job after school”
So if there is no job, must you continue to carry your CV
from one office to the other? Or find something else to do?
And who told you that you cannot do it?
My dear, the only limitation that a man has is HIS THOUGHT
that is why the Bible says “as he thinketh in his heart, so is he”
You can conquer the mountains, you can ford the streams and
oceans, you can be whatever you want to be, you can do whatever you want to do,
IT’S ALL IN YOU and it all begins with one simple but complex action – YOUR THOUGHT
“think you can?, think you cannot?; either way you are
“there is nothing, absolutely nothing that the heart of man
can conceive and which that man cannot achieve”
So instead of idling away the time (gossiping, back-biting,
cheating, lying, forming, petty thievery, gbapping and the likes), instead of
moaning, groaning and complaining of how bad the economy is, how the Country is
not responsive to the needs of her citizens, how the Politicians have used and
dumped you, how corruption has taken over the life blood of the Nation, why don’t
you get busy?
All that you need to succeed in life have already been
deposited in you (if you search deep enough, you would find them), your own duty
is to use them effectively.
So today, believe this report “I can do ALL THINGS through
Christ Who strengthens me”
and hey
Life Coach and Counsellor
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