Wednesday, February 10, 2021

What Has Gone Wrong?


What Has Gone Wrong?


You were the smartest, most powerful big headed spermatozoon that won the race to be born into this Planet.

That spermatozoon that eventually became you exhibited so much bravery, so much courage, it was so swift and adept that it outsmarted the over 150 million other spermatozoa that were released at the same time into that race for life.

But you are struggling to live life, you are in search of courage, of bravery, you are yet to achieve what you want out of life.

Why is that?

There's one reason why I see most people do not go after what they want.

Because of the "what if?"

Whenever it's time to make a life-changing decision, they start wondering...

What if something goes wrong?

What if nothing goes according to plan?

What if nobody likes my project, presentation, idea, etc?

What if this becomes successful and I am in the lights of the world, can I handle all that publicity?

What if I am unable to raise the funds?

What if this
what if that

They're just too afraid of what might happen.

So, they stress, they obsess, the analyze and overanalyze and usually, that stress conquers them.

So, they procrastinate, and then become paralyzed and eventually do nothing.

They decide to settle with what they have (maintain the status quo or as it is said live in their comfort zone) instead of facing the possible (and very unlikely) consequences of moving forward.

They let their fears stop them from going after what they want in life.

By doing that, they kill all the dreams and aspirations.

What these people later find is that they end up living with a burden over their shoulders.

A burden of regret.

You regret you didn't have the courage.

That you didn't take a step forward and faced your fears.

You regret you were not courageous enough.

Now, there's nothing you can do.

That very small window of opportunity is now closed, and you can't do anything about it.

Don't despair, though.

The fact you're reading this post tells me you're still on time.

Maybe you're facing that life-changing decision right now.

But you haven't made that leap because you're just too afraid of what might happen.

If this is you, then I have a very powerful exercise I want you to do right now.

It's the same exercise that I do to make the best possible decisions every time.


Now, I want you to imagine you are 90 years old.

You're laying down on your bed, and you know your time is near.

Then, you start reflecting on how your life was...

As you reflect on all the decisions you made during your lifetime, you get to the moment you're right now.

Now, let's think about two scenarios.

In one scenario, you didn't take the lead.

You chose the "status quo" and didn't take the risk.

As you are 90 and about to die, do you regret that decision?

Would you have lived a better life? Had a better job? Achieved your dreams by moving forward?

Hold that for a moment.

Now, let's go to scenario number two.

In this one, you did take the leap.

You made that decision.

You got away from that toxic relationship that was stopping you.

You started that business.

When you think about that decision, are you happy you made it?

Do you think about all the good things that came out of that decision?

Maybe your partner is right beside you just because you decided to ask for that date.

You were free to travel the world and live without worries because you started that business.

That decision completely changed your life.

Ok, end of the exercise.

It was eye-opening, wasn't it?

What's so good about this exercise is that it makes you look at things differently.

You make every decision from a new perspective.

You stop thinking about the immediate consequences of everything you do.

Now, when a new opportunity appears, you'll ask yourself...

When I'm old and death is near, will I regret that I didn't take action?

If you do this, you'll have no regrets in the future.

You'll think about your life, and be proud of every decision you made.

That you took advantage of every opportunity that came your way.

You were not afraid.

You were brave.

The time to project to being 90 years of age is TODAY infact NOW.

Remember to cross check with yourself at 90, the next decision you would make concerning an opportunity that will come your way

As always, we wish you all the best



  1. Hmmmmm, looking at life in a more prospective view......
    Wonderful !

    1. The message is very clear
      without courage to make decisions, one is bound to live a mediocre life and then when the time comes, regrets will abound

  2. DR.DENNIS EKWEDIKE: Indecision and procrastination are two killers of dreams. We must fight them and make our life and our dependents better. Bravo !

    1. Procrastination is the thief of time and since time is a perishable commodity it can never be called back. Take a decisive decision when it is necessary especially if it concerns something that will move you forward. Posterity will forgive you for taking a wrong decision but it will never forgive you for not taking any decision at all

  3. Only but the truth,never allow yourself to be used by,can I or how sure am this will work,always have a positive mind and always focus.thanks so much Dr,Jerry for this wonderful message

    1. Decisions arise from the choices we make. And our life so far is a reflection of those choices and decisions we have made in times past. If you are not impressed with your life so far then you have an opportunity to make it better. This post can help you

  4. ODIMEGWU ODIRA FrancisFebruary 10, 2021 at 8:04 AM

    The sense of our life depends on the definition we gave it during our earthly course ! We should not be afraid to unleash our potentials. Thank you, Sir for the awakening !

    1. I agree with you
      We should not be afraid to UNLEASH OUR POTENTIALS
      Good one

  5. How so true!
    Distractions abound in different forms, but with the right mindset, one e can achieve a great deal.

    1. Focus and mindfulness the great tools for overcoming distractions
      Just apply them always

  6. A message that stirs up the heart bro do something today so that there will be no regret in the future.Thank you for this inspiring message.

    1. Very true
      A lot of people are waiting for "one day" or "some day" to start building their future but they forget neither one day nor some day comes, what comes is what is present and the time to start building tomorrow is today - NOW

  7. This particular text RESONATES within me, fear of the unknown and scared of the negative consequences have kept knocking on every being but what matters is the ability to conquer that fear and make that move. I have something I have been scared of taking a leap at, I guess now is the best time to shoot that shot. Am happy I had to read through this message, thank you for your continuous reminder. I appreciate

    1. We are happy to read that this post resonates with you #Chukwuebukaasadu
      We are all always scared about making important life changing decisions and so we keep postponing them BUT the mark of a hunter is to be able to look the fierce animal in the eye and still shoot it anyways. Take control
