Thursday, January 21, 2021

Of Winners And Losers - The Plain Truth


A Winner Or A Loser - Which Would You Rather Be?


Listen up

No one is born as a child of adversity - that is having the vicissitudes of life in more than enough quantum

We all experience life's challenges

We all have ups and downs

Some days we are coasting on the wings of the Eagle

Some other days we are down at the bottom and rocking it with the lower animals

That is life


What distinguishes the winner from the sore loser is in the way we implement these 3 decisions we need to make in our lives

1.      What are you focusing on?

When you are up, what is your focus?

When you are down, what do you focus on?

Are you one of those who when they are up think that the world is now at their feet to crush and do with it what they like, I want to tell you that you are wrong.

The World can never be under anyone's feet for all the time, but sure for certain times. Nothing in life lasts for ever. It will pass

So when you are up there, do the much you can to remain there in honesty and truth but also remember that as the Sun is sure to rise from the East and set in the West, you shall come down one day - make plans to be comfortable too when eventually you land from outer space

And when you are down, what do you focus on?

Do you see all the negatives?

Do you imagine the worst scenario?

Do you close your eyes to other possibilities of rising from the ashes again as a Peacock?

Do you see your situation as a dead end from which there can be no rising up again?

Well I also wish to let you know that what a man thinks of most of the time is what he sees and what he sees is what he gets.

You can come out of that dead end if you decide to take the bull by the horn. Instead of retiring to one corner of your life to whine and bemoan your fate, you can actually bounce back by taking action on those things that failed you before

2.      How Do You feel About What's Going On?

What you focus on generates the feelings you experience

when you focus on the positive, you are suffused with positive feelings and in same manner, when you focus on the negative, you get suffocated with negative feelings.

When you focus on things you cannot control, you give your life a hard task but when you focus on things you can control, you make it easier for you to reach them

When you focus on the past, the mistakes you made, the opportunities you did not take that have turned out to be gold mines, you injure yourself but when you focus on living better today in order to build a scintillating future, you are able to soar

3.      What are you going to do about it?

You are hoping for the best - right - great but how is that going to happen? hope is good to have but action makes it attainable

You are wondering if the future can actually be better - right - yeah great. Wondering is part of human experience but no matter how much you wonder, nothing can ever happen if you do not lift a finger to bring your wonderment into reality

And you are afraid of taking that step because you don't want to be laughed at - right - oh yeah, makes sense. But let me tell you that everyone is on his own journey and those who succeed most are those who have been most laughed at when they failed, some even failed massively before they achieved success.

It is natural to be afraid - it is one of our protective emotions BUT it becomes an issue when we obsess over it and it inhibits us from expressing ourselves and experiencing the life we are here to experience.

Courage is said to be the "fear that has said its prayers" - you need to be courageous enough to overcome your limiting fears.

These three decisions need to be made reflectively and soberly and the winner is he who finds solace in the fact that nothing in life is permanent and change is a constant and thus makes every effort to be adaptable to change while the loser will be he who is so straight-jacketed that he thinks only in black and white all the time without taking the greys into consideration

Which would you rather be?

Share your thoughts with us by way of comments here

See you soon



  1. Learn to see the good especially when the trains seems not to move in our own planned direction.

  2. ODIMEGWU ODIRA FrancisJanuary 21, 2021 at 9:21 AM

    Sometimes we tend to forget the aspect of vicissitudes of life. Life itself is a school. So, we learn by reading positively our failures. Success supposes failures.

    1. Life is surely a school
      lessons are learnt from what happens to us and how we react to them become our experience

  3. Dr. Ekwedike Dennis: Positive attitude to life's challenges and taking appropriate actions in what ever situation we find ourselves in life guarantees a better outcome. In all we should live life with enthusiasm !
