Tuesday, September 29, 2020

The Truth - 56


The Truth - 56


The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth


Do you know that negative thoughts destroy your mental health?

And they stop you from getting where you want to be.

Yet, most of us have them at one time or another.

And some of them actually live in them - constantly negatively minded and pessimistic.

But, constant negative thinking is like waging war on your very own mind.

And in doing so…

…you're sabotaging any hope you have of experiencing…

…the happiness, success, and pleasures in life you deserve.

It can stop today and it's all in your hands.

You can do this by constantly engaging in positive affirmations to impact positively on your sub-conscious and re-direct it to be at your beck and call for good.

Positive affirmations are auto-hypnotic in nature though with your full concentration and control

That can help you break the shackles of a negative mindset and put you on the prosperous path to the incredible life you want to live.

It is time to retrain your brain for positive thought habits…

…but the benefits don't stop there.

…because when you arrive at that aerial state of satisfaction, you'll have the ability to untangle your mind and feel instantly relaxed

You'll feel the tingle of happiness deep inside your gut that an amazing future is awaiting you.

Eliminating your negative thoughts has never been easier.

Are you ready to master your thoughts and have lasting peace of mind? - seek to participate in the 40 days positive affirmations challenge of Top Iconic Challenge Platform starting from the 10th of October 2020

You need to know that what  consumes your mind, controls your life.

Now that is *The Truth, the WHOLE Truth and nothing but the Truth*

--------------------------Jerry -the First

Follow me on TWITTER





  1. The world right now has more negative news than positive news and that is impacting on the lives of millions of people who are being led to believe that the world is sliding down to the bottom pit
    But nothing can be more false than that
    Get a big dosage of positivity on daily basis to diffuse the influence of these negative news
