Saturday, September 26, 2020

The Truth - 54


The Truth - 54


The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth


Many Psychologists and Motivational Speakers including yours truly always advise people to focus on the Big Picture and not to let the hassles of living make them deviate from that focus.

My experience however has shown that not many persons even understand what their Big Picture is because they really cannot picture it.

The grind and cares of existence have left many persons just living from day to day, not willing to invest energy and thought into what tomorrow will bring - while this is advisable in order to avoid stressing over things that may not materialize but in terms of personal growth, it is not.

Whatever calling anyone is in, it is essential that they plot a graph of how they wish to grow. 

The Big Picture is looking at 20 years from now, 10 years from now, 5 years from now e.t.c. and putting down on paper what the achievements would be all things being equal.

But the living of the Big Picture is strengthened by the daily activities that one carries on to add one step to achieving whatever they have visualized in the  Big Picture.

The Big Picture is essential for growth - be it Personal or Company or Organizational because it serves as a compass for navigation.

And that which a man is unable to visualize, he is very much unlikely to become

Now that is *The Truth, the WHOLE Truth and nothing but the Truth*

--------------------------Jerry -the First

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  1. The Big Picture, a word spoken often times but we end up not giving it the necessary thoughts and attention. Thank you for sharing and reminding us about the NEEDFUL.
