Tuesday, September 8, 2020

The Truth - 41


The Truth - 41



The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth


I came across a write up that talked about raising plastic children.

I was intrigued by the title so I decided to read it and it turned out to be a lamentation on what today's children have become mainly because their Parents have over-protected them.

The writer was of the opinion that most of the world's Children of today are living on the glories of their Parents.

The Parents don't allow their Children to be stressed, they don't allow their children to sweat and thus they do not know how to do anything for themselves, they teach their children to pray and hope instead of praying and taking action; they teach their children to sort Lecturers out instead of studying to pass examinations; they literally take over running the lives of their children and in the process ruining them, making them both physically and intellectually lazy and giving them the license to live the entitlement mentality lifestyle where they expect that the world is at their feet for the take.

I could read meaning into the write up and the pain of the writer. I guess he was writing out of the mistake he had also made in raising his own kids - he did not say so in the write up though.

But come to think of it - why would a Parent buy admission for the child? why would a parent encourage sorting of lecturers for marks? why would a parent not allow the child to develop along his or her own lines, make his or her own mistakes and correct himself or herself while learning from it? why would a Parent live the life of his or her child?

For me, there is nothing wrong for any Parent to wish their child well and work with that child to see that he or she turns out a distinguished member of the Community, I also do so but to take over running the life of the child, I think it's uncalled for, because when that child is utterly dependent on the Parent, he or she cannot fit it well into the society and from such actions arise instances of personality disorders.

And so we advise Parents to train their children not in the manner of taking over their lives but in helping them to learn the ropes to be their own unique individuals and not photocopies.

Now, that is  *the Truth, the WHOLE Truth and nothing but the Truth*

--------------------------Jerry -the First

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  1. The society have decided to accept what is convenient for them whether it is right or wrong. The way a child it trained is going to affect both the parents/guardian and the society as a whole. Thank you for sharing

    1. Certainly #Chukwuebuka
      The Society makes her choices BUT anyone who really wants to leave footprints must go against the Society in good ways though
