Thursday, August 13, 2020

The Truth - 23


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The Truth - 23


The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth

I am an Advocate of hard work, no doubt about that, I believe that hard work has never killed anyone. But I have come to see men and women confuse hard work with hard labour.

Hard work is putting in an honest day's job for an honest day's pay. It is about giving your best while you are at work. It is about understanding your role and position in the work place and appropriately filling that position and carrying out the functions and duties assigned to the role. It is about team work and division of labour where every team member plays their own role. It is about understanding that there should be job progression through the same ladder that you used to climb to the top and that no one should be stalled because of lack of space at the top. It is all about being conscious of the fact that no one is indispensable.

Contrariwise, hard labour is about carrying upon your shoulders all the work that is supposed to be shared out to others to do. It is about having that over-bloated ego that without you nothing can work. It is about working yourself to death because you think that you are the only one who can do a perfect job. It is about thinking that you are the Master and Lord of the Manor and others around you are just necessary miscreants cast in the mold of the devil himself - mere minnows . It is about climbing to the top, destroying the ladder you used to get there because you want no competition and then sitting down there with an open anal cavity and pouring putrid faeces down the heads of those below.

By this piece, I am sounding you out and bringing it to your ego that no one is indispensable. No matter how much your protect your position, one day, just one day, you either leave it by way of retirement or by way of answering the eternal call and when that happens, and because nature abhors vacuum, that space shall be filled rapidly with another whether the shoe is tight or loose is quite immaterial.

It is high time people understood the difference between hard work and hard labour and start promoting team work and all that makes for better working relationships.

Now, that is the Truth, the WHOLE Truth and nothing but the Truth

 ---------------------------Jerry -the First

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  1. I agree less to the above assertions. Hard labour had bedevilled many. Thank you so much for opening our eyes through book reading and deep thinking.

    1. I meant I do not agree less pls--Comment was by DR.DENNIS EKWEDIKE

  2. Synergie is essential in labour. A team work yields more fruit than individualism in carrying out duties.

  3. True!! Team Work Yields More Coz It Brings Out A Fine Outcome Because Of The Colourful Touch (By Different Talented People).

  4. Real truth. Dr. Semiyu Olagolden.
