Monday, August 3, 2020

The Truth - 15

The Truth - 15

The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth 

He was a very fearful fellow, never wanting to hurt a fly, always wanting to be in the good books of all he met to a fault. Always being afraid to speak up even when he was hurting. He was "loved" and used. Everyone who wanted a favour only had to ask him and he would "gladly" oblige and it does not really matter what the favour was. Sometimes he had had to part with the last coins in his purse just to please another. His "friends" really took advantage of him.

Then one fateful day, he ran into a big trouble. His Mother (whom he loved so very dearly) had taken ill all of a sudden and was at the point of death, the Hospital demanded a large sum of money to be deposited before treatment could be commenced, he had just given out a considerable amount of money to those who usually ask him and so he did not have that sum on him at that moment. He literally emptied his account but it was not enough and then he decided to ask around from those to whom he had been good to.

After 30 trials, NOT ONE PERSON said they had money and willing to share with him.

It was a bitter lesson to him - that, people he had always gone out of his way to be good to, could not help him out in his own time of need.

It was at that point that he decided to face his fears squarely and to learn to say NO when he has to.

He learnt the hard way to own his fear instead of allowing his fear to own him

And what was his fear - *the fear of displeasing people*

If you are in that situation right now, you too can master your fear.

Now, that is  the Truth, the WHOLE Truth and nothing but the Truth*

 ---------------------------Jerry -the First

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