Wednesday, July 29, 2020

The Truth - 12

The Truth - 12

*The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth*

So you want to be seen as a nice guy or gal and for that reason you refuse to take a principled stand on issues around you.

You refuse to rock the boat because you don't want to be called names

You concur with everyone's opinion because that is how your bread is buttered?

You dine with God in the morning and then sup with the devil in the night

That is the take of persons who won't stand for something but fall for anything.

In life, it is critical that people know you for something. People should be able to say of you - yes he took a stand for this thing and he never wavered.

Yes. you may be living your life BUT the judgement of it is in the hands of others.

So, live your life in such a way that when the census would be taken, it would be said of you that you stood for something even if it was the wrong it because even as the Good Book says, if you're neither hot nor cold, HE will spew you out of HIS MOUTH.

Now, that is  *the Truth, the WHOLE Truth and nothing but the Truth*

-----------------------------Jerry -the First

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