Monday, July 20, 2020

Consistency Is The Key To Success

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Consistency: One Key to Success Very Few Talk About!

Ever wondered how some people achieve massive amounts of success, while others work just as hard but achieve very little?

There is one ingredient for success that might be more important than anything else.

What is it?  It's called Consistency!

To be consistent means to fully dedicate yourself completely to a task, activity or goal.

Consistency requires committing yourself to a sustained effort of action over the long period of time.

Consistency is about building small empowering habits and rituals that you do every single day.

That is the difference between success and failure in anything, and one of the keys to high levels of success!

Show me a man who turns everything he touches into gold and I'll tell you of a man who is so consistent in what he does that he does not allow distractions no matter how inviting to take him off the course.

If you have had less success with your endeavours, you need to check if you are lacking this quality

Consistency works - keep at it


Dr. Jerry - the First Oguzie: JP



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