Monday, May 27, 2019

Who Does Success Belong To?

This question has been on the lips of many people all through the Centuries.

And it's not like it is very difficult to answer,
it is just that the answer does not seem obvious to many people.

Like I have said here many times, success is imprinted on our DNA.

Every man born of a woman and every woman conceived by another woman has that eternal command - Go ye and succeed

However just like any other thing in life, not all persons choose to listen and hear and then obey that command

For those who obey the command, they turn out to be exceedingly successful and for those who do not obey, well - they turn out to be not quite successful

So, to whom does success belong?

Success belongs to those who wake up every morning and pursue their dreams irrespective of the hardships.

No dream ever comes to fruition without a commitment to make it do so by the dreamer.

And no matter what your dream may be, you have the intrinsic power right inside of you to achieve it.

And to achieve it, you must encounter difficulties, obstacles, disasters, hardships, so you must have these at the back of your mind while chasing your dream and recognize them when they do appear as they must.

Success belongs to those who have made up their mind not to give up, not to give in and not to throw in the towel.

Remember that winners never quit and quitters never win

Success belongs to those who have said "It is not going to be over until I win".

Remember, nothing good comes easy and until the final blast of the whistle by the Referee, the game is still very much on

Success belongs to those who don't suffer from any complexes - inferior or superior, who do not mind what the people are saying, who have one track mind towards achieving their dream

Success belongs to you, never underestimate the ability and the potential that has been invested in you.

You've got Greatness within you and you deserve to be successful.

You are the best

So step out today and Go make the rest of your life, the best of your life

Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay 

Here's the video


  1. Success isn't partial. It is fair toall who does the right thing. When preparedness and hardeork meets an opportunity, success is assured. Many of us seeksd yearn for success in all we do, many want to be associated with successful people, yet we refuse to burn the midnight candle of success, we don't make hay while the sun shines. Success is one granted to the right individual and people who strive and yearn for it irrespective of the prevailing circumstances

    Thank you sir for another masterpiece

    1. Success leaves trails and those who follow the trails usually arrive at the pinnacle

  2. Success is not achieved by those who quickly give up ,it is for people who are poised to get there by been passionate about their dream and make it a reality no matter what may be the struggle ,with this imprinted in my mind ,I have laid down goals and readily set in motion towards successful achievement ,I donot allow the set backs of life to discourage me of my dreams . I follow the laid down plan daily to see my dream in fruition and I will never back out untill the dream becomes a reality . I donot procastinate on any activity concerning my workable conceived plans towards my goals and I say my affirmations every morning and before returning to bed and donot allow other people's opinions and judgement to sway me from my goals pursuit. These are the emblems that has made me successful and I also associate my self with people who are successful since the law of attraction in the thought word like minded people attract like minded people and they also transmute energy to each other.

    1. There are established principles to be successful
      Anyone who follows them would surely become successful

  3. SUCCESS means the accomplishment of an aim or purpose in life ! The opposite of success is failure . A popular saying is that failure is an orphan while success has many followers. However there is a thin line between success and failure.The writer of the article asked a poser : Who does success belong to ? Success belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams, who wake up and strive for excellence. Success does not belong to those who easily give up or who give excuses or who complain about virtually everything. Life is not a bed of roses 🌹! One should have a stubborn faith and good work ethic to make it in life inspite of hardships, difficulties, obstacles. There are qualities that guarantee GREATNESS : *Believe in oneself,*Building high self esteem,*Focusing with a positive attitude to life,*Always expecting the possible outcome,*Persevering, *Never quitting,*Liking and feeling good about oneself,*Accepting responsibilities,*Honesty in dealings,*Working hard,* These attributes are imprinted in my genes. Finally, one of the biggest keys to success is to love what one does. It is actually challenging to do what one loves in life and make a great living from it at the same time. Honestly I love what I do because I have the motivation, inspiration and commitment to support me from the onset and along the way. I am my greatest encourager and I don't put limits on my life and by God's grace,today I am part of SUCCESS !


    This is the cosmic and supernatural force that drives me on even when the confrontational circumstances are prevalent and domicile with us.

    I have learnt to see this as challenge not circumstance because it throws at me those steel to move forward with.

    I have come to terms with the fact that, life is a continum. What we only do is transition. When one transcends to the world beyond, whatever he achieves here continues to thrive unless one didn't build to live on. The essence of next of kin is based on this theory because the belief that we will definitely leave something behind is not a hypothetical but an empirical reality. Succession is the essence of life continuity. Financial succession and success is not left out. To my children, I look at them and try to inbuid into myself, what shall they remember me for. Not only to them, but to the entire persons I met. To impact to them and beyond, what shall I actually do. What it has left me to do is; work smartly always and surround myself with positive minded personalities who are bounded to continuous achievement. Most of them are in this platform and the major driver has been the convener: Dr JTF Oguzie the 1st. Thanks for spurring me into financial life.

    1. In life you win some, you lost some but when you have the winners attitude, even when you lost, you still win

  5. Success is a personal resolve it is a determination one should have to ensure he doesn't fail in life. This calls for perseverance and I have personally resolved to persevere despite my numerous challenges that tend to pull me down. I'm still determined to still move on hence every morning I wake up I tried to plan my day remove as many distractions as I can.despite disappointing myself often, I still keep trying and trying knowing that failure to plan is planning to fail. if I try and fail I keep trying. In life one can only do his best and leave the rest to God. today I read the story of the prodigal son, he had to turn and go back to the father. the prodigal son made the decision and turned back and went back to the father. today I think at this point we must all resolve as I have done to take this issue of success very very seriously and face the challenges despite our excuses.My Spiritual Mentor St Escriva used to say that there is always a good excuse for not doing the right thing. I will always have excuses but the only option is to face the excuses and stop procrastination that makes us unable to meet up with our planned activities. And for financial success in life it is very very imperative that one needs to strictly organise himself, manage time well and watch the group he or she associates with.. I can not thank Jerry the first enough for great resolve to assist us and my person

    1. Better tp sow always
      the good weather is not always guaranteed

  6. Winners never quit and quitters never win.

    It is not over until the referee blows the last whistle.

    These words resonate with me on a personal level..

    My success story started professionally in 2013 when as a fresh graduate I found myself working in a hotel as a receptionist, on my second day whilst undergoing training, I made a huge mistake and my senior colleagues laughed me to scorn while others said I will make about 5 more mistakes before I get a hang of the work. That day in pain I made a vow to not make another laugh worthy mistake.

    And in 2 weeks I started working alone unsupervised! In a month's time, I was almost as good as my senior colleagues who had each pit in at least 4 years of work.

    A year later, I was transferred to serve as the Public relations officer a position I acquired with one year's experience outsmarting 3 other candidates of which the least had 5 years experience.

    Until today (8 years later) I still hold the record of the youngest staff ever to become the. P.R.O of a hotel with 110 rooms, multipurpose halls, and other facilities.

    All because I believed that success is in my DNA.

    1. Great work
      success is embedded in our dna
      it's only us that can appropriate it
