Friday, April 12, 2019

Can You Do it?


I have something to say to you

Don't you ever let someone or anyone tell you that you can't do something or anything you've set your heart on doing; so long as it will further your purpose on earth -

Don't listen to anyone - not your Mum, not your Dad, not your Teachers, not your best Uncles and Aunts and definitely not your peers and senior friends.

You have a dream? then you have to make great efforts to shield and protect your dream from dream killers.

Just because those people could not do what you want to do, does not in any way mean that you can't do it.

That they failed is the main reason why they project their failure to you by saying that you can't' do it but that's a big fat lie - you can do whatever you set your sights on doing and have a singleness of mind to pursue it to its logical conclusion.

You want something - Go get it period.

We are afraid not because we are inadequate, we are afraid because we are powerful beyond measure.

It's our light and not our darkness that most frightens us.

Your playing small in this world does not serve any purpose

There's  nothing enlightening about shrinking so that all those around you won't feel inferior;

we are meant to shine like children of light.

That Light is not just in some of us, it is in all of us and as we let our light shine, we constantly give other people permission to do the same - to let their own light shine too

As we are liberated from our own fears, our presence automatically liberates others

Dream big
Never give up
help other people to achieve success and you will be successful

Remember, never ever give anyone permission to say to you that you can't do it because you can

Thanks for reading our Blog Post, kindly share this with your friends on social media and also watch the video below


  1. This is quite inspirational. Never let anyone and it does not mater who, tell you that you can't do something that your heart hungers after. On earth there are no impossibilities
    Just do it
