Sunday, December 31, 2017

As 2017 Ends

Thank God, 2017 is almost over. It's just a matter of hours now and we shall enter into the magical year 2018.

It has been one very long year
Many things happened in this outgoing year
Many lives were lost - some died naturally, some took their own lives, some were killed by others, some were killed by natural disasters but in it all and through it all GOD preserved us.

What else can we say but THANK YOU PAPA, Abba Father

The level of hardship was unprecedented
Monkey pox came
Lassa fever came
Even the dreaded Ebola showed up close to our shores
But none came nigh us
The Lord hemmed us in like a hen on her chicks
He protected us and provided for us
Even when they said there was a casting down, He made us look up and proclaim that there was a lifting up
Even when they came one way towards us, He made them flee in a hundred ways
He annulled their evil machinations
He scattered their evil gatherings
All the covens where our pictures and names were taken, He destroyed by lightening
When they buried their charms in our farms, He sent His Thunder to uproot the charms and destroy the carrier of the charm
When they called our names into the air, He raised a Banner and a Standard for us against them
When they came to us in the middle of the night to annihilate us, He delivered us from the noisome pestilence and the plague
We took a fall six times, He made us rise again seven times
When they concocted to remove us from our dwelling place, He showed them that He is the Holy One of Israel, under whose Wings we are Almightily protected and shielded

That is our God, my God in Whom I live and move and have my being

Glory will always be to His Holy Name

I thank Him for 2017 and all His blessings and favours bestowed upon me and all my family members, friends, associates, fans and followers

I ask Him for MORE GRACE in 2018

Praise the Lord

Sir, Dr. Jerry - the First Oguzie: JP

God's Servant


  1. I really thank God that 2017 came and went and left us in good health and peace. May His Name be praised for ever - Amen
