School of Life
piece of advise:
" Send a lot of
Valentine cards. Sign them, 'Someone who thinks you're terrific.'
Valentine day is supposed
to be a day to show love and love is not just between two persons, the world is
in need of love, so many people are hurting
Life Secret and
" Be mysterious.
Don’t let off everything
about you and definitely leave out some major details. There is something both
alluring and mesmerizing about someone who no one knows fully about. I’m not
saying to confide in no one or to alienate yourself. Just think James Bond."
Quote on Success
" Those who do most,
dream most"
Key Point of
disagreements, fight fairly. No name calling.
Life Hack
If you ask someone a
question and they only partially answer, just wait. They will keep talking.
This is a very common
situation when you don’t know the other person that well or your question
wasn’t clear enough.
If they finish the answer
without providing a full answer, just wait.
Stay silent and keep eye
contact. If the tension becomes unbearable, raise your eyebrows. It puts a bit
of pressure on them but it communicates that you show interest.
It also sub-communicates
that you are a person that usually gets what he wants.
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