Wednesday, August 19, 2015

You Are A Work In Progress


Hello good people

I sure hope that everyone woke up well and that the Good Lord did His miracle again in your lives and that of your loved ones.

To Him be all the glory for ever and ever - Amen

Today, I just want to share with you my thoughts which I have collected in what I have termed - You Are A Work In Progress.

Do you know that for as long as we are alive and well, we still have dreams of things to achieve?, we still have appointments to keep?, we still have hurdles to glide over and mountains to blast through?

Now that means that God in His infinite mercies has made us in such a way that there is always a hunger in us to be busy, a hunger to do something outstanding, a hunger to lend a helping hand to someone more unfortunate than we are, a hunger to be the best and that hunger never gets satiated because for each frontier we break through, a new frontier presents itself daring us to come break through it as well.

And all these are led by Him Who lives in us and so He is constantly at work in us and through us making us therefore be like work in progress that never gets finished until it is time to go home for a deserved rest.

A work in progress therefore, never gets finished all at once; it is done bits by bits, a little at a time.

Today presents another beautiful opportunity to show that we are works in progress. It's a brand new day and gives us a brand new slate that has not been scribbled upon to write; it offers us a fresh start.

So today
Replace negativity with positivity
Think happy thoughts no matter the condition you find yourself (yours is not the worst)
Exercise (you need it to beat the undying twins - hypertension and diabetes)
Drink lots of water (water out the toxins you consume and drink daily before they water you in)
Inspire and motivate yourself (no one else can do it better than you)
Fill your body with the right type of fuel (tune down carbs, tune up veggies)
Create your own happiness (inwardly driven happiness is more enriching)
Laugh hard until tears come out of your eyes (it is soul cleansing)
Don't be hard on yourself, laugh out your silly mistakes
Give someone a compliment (it would make their day)
Stop increasing the burrows on your forehead by frowning, smile instead (makes you look more beautiful or handsome than you actually are)
Make your smile INFECTIOUS (it is healthy)
Perform a random act of kindness today (give to someone who IS NOT IN A POSITION TO GIVE BACK TO YOU)
Take a chance on an idea you believe in
Work hard
Play harder
love and

Today, I dare you to JUST LIVE ..................

Remember to drop your testimony here

Have a blessed day

Dr. Jerry - the First: JP


  1. When i was a kid, i thought i had my life figured out and knew where i was going.

    I was sure of whom i was and what i was. I was wrong.i Saw life is a journey of twist and turns that mold who we are; however, it is not the twist and turns which mold us, but rather, how we take and handle the twist and turns thrown at us. It was not until life threw me flat on my face that I truly discovered who I am and what I am. I am a perpetual work-in-progress. And you know what? I am quite all right with that.
