Saturday, April 18, 2015

How I Spent My Saturday Morning

                                                Courtesy: Pixabay

Because my #FridayHappyHour program lasted a little longer yesterevening, I came back a little later than usual and went to bed a little later than usual -- lol (every thing yesterday was a little later than usual)

And so this morning, I woke up a little later than usual (hahaahahahahah, I am sure you were expecting to hear that).

On a good day, by 4 am dot (alarm or no alarm) my eyes would open and then another 10 minutes and I would be out of the bed for my morning functions which include a thank you prayer to My Lord and God, a drink of a glass of lemon, lime and honey laced warm water, a toe-sprint walk around the neighbourhood, emptying my rectum and a cold water bath, a breakfast of pap mixed with honey, soyaplus (read all about soyaplus About Soyaplus) and skimmed milk and then a visit to the sites where I make some bucks online like Talk Africa and Make Money With Answers.Make Money With Answers

 So all in all, it takes about an hour and half to an hour and fortyfive minutes for my day to fully start.

But this morning every activity was a little bit later than usual; but all the same I did them all - was out of bed by 6.45 am (oops!!!!) and passed through the routine and now I am here on my system and writing this to you.

Some days can be like this, you wake up late and then you don't get to observe your morning functions, but for me, I always do no matter how late I wake up.

I always thank God for the priviledge of being alive, I never forget to do that no matter what.

And so over to you, how did you spend your Saturday morning.

It's been great communicating with you

Do have a very wonderful weekend

One love



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