Monday, November 4, 2013


MONDAY                                                                 04. 11. 13

Hello there,

Good morning.

Thank God for His mercies

It is Monday, the 4th day in the eleventh month of the year marking the 45th week of this year 2013. Whatever you planned to do for and in this month should be on by now.

Though it is the eleventh month, which suggests that in the next one month the year would come to an end and so we ought not labour much again, but the truth is that the month could still provide a veritable tool for achieving a long held idea that has been on the table.

So, revive your2013 plan again, see what can be done in this month and go ahead and do it, you never can tell.

If God allowed you to be here now, it only means that He is not yet done with you and so suggesting that you should not be done with your job or work, so go ahead and work while there is still daylight for when darkness comes, there shall be no room for work again.

Roll out your plan and work it 24/7

But do your very best to satisfy November

Every day as I always do, remind yourself that it is good to be alive
So, go make the most of it.

Have a great day
And I’ll see you on the morrow

Bless and be Blessed

Remember that I love you as always!!!!!!!



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