Monday, August 5, 2013


MONDAY                                                           05. 08. 13

My People.

Greetings of the new day

Trusting God that you all woke up hale and hearty.

That I have penned this down is not only an evidence that I woke up well but also that I am hale and hearty.

But not many persons are that lucky as you and I are.

Some are right now being rushed to the hospital to get a Doctor’s attention!
Some are being taken to the mortuary to prepare them for the final sleep!
Some are being arrested now and kept in detention awaiting trial?
Some have been involved in bone shattering accidents and thus have their legs or arms suspended in a hospital!
Some woke up with confusion in their heads!
And yet others have completely forgotten who they are!

But you, yes YOU, God spared you from all these troubles

What ought we to do?

To gloat or to appreciate?
To boast or to be humble?
To brag or to be simple?

Make your choice

Chose you this day how you are to appreciate your God for saving you from all the travails of this life so far.


Father, I thank You most sincerely

Wishing you all a very glorious Monday

Every day as I always do, remind yourself that it is good to be alive
So, go make the most of it.

Have a great day
And I’ll see you on the morrow

Bless and be Blessed

Remember that I love you as always!!!!!!!

Your brother and friend

Dr. Jerry - the First


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