As the second month of the year called February ends today, have you taken a look at the past 28 days and how they went?
How did you fare?
If one of your financial goals is to expand your income base by getting engaged with a side gig, have you started?
I ask these because it is easy to be sidetracked from the path when one is confronted with the realities on the ground.
If you have taken any free class this year and you are yet to act on what you learnt, stop deceiving yourself. No amount of knowledge can make you money if you refuse to act on it.
There are no short cuts to success, if you want to succeed, if you really want to succeed, you simply have to pay the price which revolves around HARD WORK.
As we prepare to march into March, remember it will be another month that you can use to make a difference in your life.
I'll see you in March
Happy Month End
Dr. Jerry - the First Oguzie: JP
About the Blog
Success with Dr. Jerry - the First Blog is owned by Topitup
Media And Communication Nigeria
whose Team Head is Dr. Jerry - the First Oguzie: JP
At Success with Dr. Jerry - the First Blog, we believe that life
is a continuous process of learning, that successful people are continuous
learners and that your success is completely dependent on you
About Dr. Jerry - the First Oguzie: JP
Dr. Jerry - the First Oguzie is a Physician,
an Author, a Writer, Thinker, Founder, Convener and Success Coaching addict. He is passionate about helping people become
the best versions of themselves through coaching, mentoring, teaching,
enlightening and enhancing their self worth. And the Platform he uses to reach
out to people is his Ministry of Encouragement (MoE). He has deep
interests in Personal Development including mindset reset and habit change,
Personal Finance, Wealth Creation, Health and Fitness. He believes that
financial knowledge (literacy) combined with self - discipline is the key to achieving
financial freedom.
He is the author of The
Practical Steps To Total Financial Freedom -
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