By Ben Anyakpa
The Lord told Joshua in the book of Josh.1:6-8 to be strong and courageous so that he can remain relevant and useful to himself and the people he was about to lead.
There was a great task ahead of him that required strength and courage.
You can only charge someone to be strong when there is a task to be carried out.
The race of life is a great task that requires courage and strength.
This explains why in Eph. 6:10 we are encouraged to " strong in the Lord and the Power of His Might."
There are evil forces in the world that are ready to short - change us.
There is spiritual wickedness taking place everyday, there are principalities and powers operating in high places ready to bring down the child of God. All these require strength.
These spiritual forces attack either indirectly or directly through human agents, such as familiar spirits, witches and wizards.
They cause harm, sorrow and calamities around all the time.
They are responsible most of the time for misfortunes, faced by people around, ranging from sickness, diseases, tragedies, business failures etc.
However, through God's word and prayer we are able to draw strength for everyday living.
Therefore, we must visit His word daily to receive the needed strength for our activities and for success and prosperity.
Have you visited the word today for your daily nourishment?
If you have good, if not do so now.
Be strong in the power of his might.
Pray for strength for this moment.
Father, empower me by increasing the grace to fast, pray and study your word, in the name of Jesus. Amen.
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