If you are 16 and old enough to work, then you're not too young to lead.
You're Never Too Young To Be A Leader
Most people near the starts of their careers aren't typically thought of as leaders in the workplace. Not only do they inhabit a low spot in the office hierarchy and lack experience and skills, but also many are too timid and insecure to assume a leadership role. But with the right attitude, an observant eye and a desire to learn, any young professionals can prevail early on.
Here are 10 points to help you become a successful leader at work despite your young age
1. Start preparing before you enter the workforce
Volunteer in social or nonprofit organizations or clubs where you can develop or hone your leadership skills, says Al Coleman, Jr., author of Secrets to Success: The Definitive Career Development Guide for New and First Generation Professionals. “Start with groups such as your church, synagogue, chamber of commerce, or a neighborhood or alumni association. These groups are full of opportunities to lead at the board, subcommittee, special projects or events level.”
Do this while you’re still in college or before you enter the workforce. “If students have cultivated their leadership skills while in college or worked in the field previously through internships or other experiences, they have more confidence generally in their ability to handle situations,” adds Dr. Katharine Brooks, director of Liberal Arts Career Services at The University of Texas at Austin and author of You Majored in What? Mapping Your Path from Chaos to Career.
2. Do Your Homework
While most of what you’ll need to be a good leader you'll learn through practical experience and observation, you can't go wrong reading books or taking professional development courses on organizational leadership, Coleman says. “There are numerous resources out there for free or low cost that will help you to gain the tools and skills to begin practicing effective leadership in the workplace.”
3. Take time To Assess The Culture Of The Organization
Listen and observe how staff treats new workers—and learn what their expectations are, Brooks says. “If you’re not sure, ask. It’s appropriate to ask your new supervisor what his or her expectations are about your work.” Note your supervisor’s style. Is she more casual or formal? Does he want details and daily reports? Is she only interested in periodic feedback? Learn and adapt, Brooks adds.
Ryan Kohnen, author of Young Professional's Guide to Success, agrees. “Soak it up!” he says. “Learn about your teammates; learn their responsibilities, roles, professional goals, and business philosophies. Be a sponge.”
4. Keep A Learner's Mind
Always be curious and eager to absorb new information. “Try not to judge situations too quickly or make quick assumptions that may not be accurate,” Brooks says. “It’s okay to be a little overwhelmed at first. Just do the best you can and ask for help when you need it.”
5. Identify Areas Where You Can Provide New Insight Or Help
A young new worker might be savvier with social media than the older staff, Brooks says. “If so, that would be a place to offer suggestions or ideas.”
Alexandra Levit, author of Blind Spots: The 10 Business Myths You Can't Afford to Believe on Your New Path to Success says you should act as a change agent, “aiming to fix something that's broken with your unique perspective and skills.”
Meanwhile, Kohnen suggests challenging the norm. “Look at problem areas on your team or company. Sometimes there are ‘norms’ in organizations or teams that haven’t been challenged or where people haven't looked for a better way of doing things for a long time. Usually there’s something that people complain about. That is a great opportunity to come up with a new solution or idea for a new way to do things.
6. Offer Your Help
If as a new worker you start with an ‘I’m here to help’ attitude, it can help you move into a leadership role more quickly and smoothly. “Look for ways to serve even if you’re not asked to do so,” Brooks suggests.
Volunteer for stretch assignments or committees that will allow you to acquire leadership and management skills before you officially lead a team or a group, Levit adds.
“There are countless opportunities during meetings where someone is needed to lead a project or a specific section of a project,” Coleman says. “Step up and volunteer to take it on. If it's too large or something that you have little to no experience with, you can offer to partner with a more established leader to gain the skills and knowledge to lead on your own the next time around.”
7. Do Your Work And Abide By The Rules
Some young professionals get so wrapped up in everything else that they fail to execute their basic required tasks. “If you’re given a deadline, respect it,” Brooks says. “Try to turn in the item early if possible. Don’t ask for extensions. Find a way to get it done. It’s also important to remember that your first few work assignments will likely not be glamorous—but it’s imperative that you do a good job. If you don’t do the basic tasks well, no one will trust you with more complex tasks.”
Also pay attention to the rules and policies of the office, both written and unwritten. Show up early and stay late. Don’t be the last one in and the first to leave, Brooks adds.
8. Communicate And Connect
“Take the time to meet your co-workers and get to know them as people, not just co-workers. This will take a little time, so don’t be in a hurry,” Brooks says.
You should also communicate assertively and broadcast your results in order to get your value proposition across, Levit adds.
9. Give Credit When Credit Is Due
“Ask advice when you need it, but also try to complete your work as independently as possible,” Brooks says. “If you complete a project and are complimented on it, and someone has helped you, mention that.”
10. Establish Relationship With Superiors And Find A Mentor
You’ll want to create mutually beneficial relationships with senior managers, mentors, and colleagues, and emulate their successful behavior and approaches, Levit says.“Find a mentor who's successfully viewed as a leader within the organization and ask for opportunities to shadow that individual or work on a project with the individual to see firsthand how they successfully lead projects or groups,” Coleman says.
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