Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The Letting Go Challenge

The first 10 days of this month, I and my circle of friends took part in the 10 - Day Negative Thought Fast.

Read It Here:   10-Day Negative Thought Fast

During the period of 10 days we limited to less than 5 seconds the life of any negative thought that emanated from our minds and you won't believe this but it was one experience that I think every sane person should have from time to time.

In those 10 days, I had more time to concentrate on the positives of life, I became more aware of the life and living going on around me; I really benefitted immensely from that fast.

Fasting is not only spiritual, it is also psychological and physical; fasting from negative thoughts would surely help anyone to see the vision clearer.

This time around, we are launching the "Letting Go Challenge"

You can't believe or imagine the things that we carry around which constitute real baggages on our shoulders sometimes making us to walk with bent heads and necks.

From Thursday and for the 5 days following, we want to let go of all baggages and luggages we are carrying which are constituting themselves into clogs in the wheel of our live's progress; which are inhibiting us from really enjoying this life that God has given to us and which we do not know when it will come to an end.

As the year 2015 is heading to an end, a photo-finish as it were, it is time to start taking stock and to drop those things that have not helped us in any way at all in the outgoing year

So from Thursday 17th to Monday 21st December 2015, We’ll be letting go of things that stress us out, of some possessions that weigh us down, of repressed hatred and transferred aggression, of anger and frustration, of struggles of all kind.

You are invited to join us.
Do you wish to participate?
Drop your Name, location, email address and phone number as comment on the Blog

See you on the inside

Have a wonderful day today

Dr. Jerry - the First: JP



  1. This would surely be a wonderful exercise and I am truly looking forward to it
